Power up your healthcare services
Selvitä, miten Jotform Enterprise voi hyödyttää organisaatiotasi. Automatisoi rutiinit ja mahdollista saumaton tiimityöskentely sekä vaivaton kasvu
Helppo ja turvallinen tapa kerätä arkaluonteisia potilastietoja. Jotform tarjoaa HIPAA-yhteensopivia lomakkeita ja liikekumppanuussopimuksen (BAA), jotta organisaatiosi voi kerätä terveystietoja turvallisesti.
Jotform on pakattu täyteen tehokkaita ominaisuuksia, joiden avulla voit kerätä ja hallita arkaluonteisia potilastietoja. Katso, mikä tekee Jotformista kiistatta parhaan lomakerakentajan HIPAA-yhteensopiville lomakkeille.
HIPAA-yhteensopivan lomakkeen rakentaminen Jotformilla vie vain muutaman minuutin, etkä tarvitse teknisiä taitoja lomakkeen luomiseen. Jokainen kysymyskenttä voidaan lisätä yhdellä klikkauksella.
Potilaat voivat helposti varata tapaamisia valitsemalla päivämäärän ja/tai kellonajan lomakkeellasi. Google-kalenterin integraation avulla lomakkeesi kautta varatut tapaamiset luodaan automaattisesti tapahtumiksi kalenterissasi.
Get informed consent online. Customize your medical forms to describe your patients’ treatments, any possible risks, and their right to refuse treatment. Patients can submit their consent forms via electronic signature.
Potilaat voivat maksaa laskuja verkossa. Jotformin avulla voit upottaa maksulomakkeen suoraan sivustoosi, joka integroituu kymmeniin maksuprosessoreihin, kuten Square, Stripe ja Authorize.Net
Jotform integroituu saumattomasti muihin HIPAA-yhteensopiviin ohjelmistoihin, kuten Google Sheets -applikaatioon jotta kerätyt potilastiedot voidaan käsitellä turvallisesti ja saada tiimillesi helposti.
Jotformilla luomasi lomakkeet on suunniteltu täytettäviksi kaikilla älypuhelimilla, tableteilla tai tietokoneilla. Tämä tarkoittaa, että potilaasi voivat suunnitella tapaamisia, päivittää sairaushistoriaansa tai ilmoittautua vastaanotolle missä tahansa.
Pyydä potilaasi allekirjoittamaan lomake sähköisesti tai lähettämään tärkeitä asiakirjoja tai kuvia suoraan lomakkeiden kautta.
Our forms help you meet HIPAA compliance regulations by automatically encrypting form data to guarantee the privacy of your patients’ health information. To ensure your PHI stays secure, you’ll also receive a signed Business Associate Agreement (BAA) that creates binding liability and keeps your business protected.
Potilastietojen kerääminen on aina ollut haastavaa. Jotformin avulla organisaatiosi jäsenten on helppo luoda HIPAA-yhteensopivia lomakkeita, parantaen myös potilaidesi asiakaskokemusta. Sano hyvästit työläille paperilomakkeille.
Jotformin avulla keräät ja keskität kaikki potilas- ja terveystiedot, asiakaspalautteen, ja maksut samaan paikkaan. Lisäksi potilaiden arkaluontoiset tiedot säilytetään aina yksityisinä ja suojattuina.
Säästä aikaa hyödyntämällä ammattikäyttöön tarkoitettuja terveydenhoitoalan lomakepohjia. Lomakepohjat ovat täysin muokattavissa!
Selvitä, miten Jotform Enterprise voi hyödyttää organisaatiotasi. Automatisoi rutiinit ja mahdollista saumaton tiimityöskentely sekä vaivaton kasvu
HIPAA stands for the Health and Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This U.S. law maintains strict regulations over who has access to patient medical information and how that information may be shared.
Under HIPAA, covered entities may use or disclose a patient’s protected health information (PHI) without a patient’s permission only under the following exceptions:
Sharing patient medical information may not require approval if the reason for sharing it meets one of 12 national priority purposes. These are rare and unique exceptions to a rule that is otherwise stringent in its requirements for protection of a patient’s personal, private medical information.
The original purpose of HIPAA was to make healthcare more efficient and secure while encouraging Americans to seek health coverage by reducing privacy risks. During the 1990s, many Americans were concerned about their medical information being shared over newly established electronic systems. With HIPAA, the U.S. government created a set of rules and regulations that protected patients’ medical information, reduced privacy concerns, and empowered medical professionals to use more efficient modern systems.
HIPAA forms include features that enable them to follow and adhere to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. These include forms for medical history, online appointment scheduling, new patient enrollment, and more. However, there are two HIPAA-friendly forms that medical professionals most commonly use:
Using HIPAA forms helps your office protect any information a patient provides. These forms are vital for daily healthcare operations.
HIPAA is designed to protect personal health information, which means there are specific individuals and organizations that must adhere to the privacy rule. These subjects, also known as covered entities, include the following:
These covered entities are required to comply with HIPAA and may face legal consequences for failing to do so. Their use and distribution of PHI is strictly monitored, and they must use it only for its intended purposes, as laid out by HIPAA.
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is responsible for enforcing HIPAA regulations. It began enforcing the HIPAA privacy rule in 2003. Since taking control of HIPAA regulations, the OCR has worked diligently to enact systematic changes in the American medical system that ensure the safety and security of patients’ civil rights.
The main benefit of HIPAA is that it protects against the unauthorized use and disclosure of a person’s private medical information. This helps people control private and potentially sensitive information about their well-being and allows them to share such information with their doctors without having to worry about unauthorized disclosure.
HIPAA also holds medical entities accountable for any potential breaches and enforces a patient’s right to privacy with significant repercussions. Most medical professionals wouldn’t share this private information regardless. However, repercussions for unwanted disclosure bring patients peace of mind and help medical professionals get the most accurate information possible.
Protected health information (PHI) is any information healthcare entities receive detailing preexisting, current, or upcoming physical or mental health concerns or conditions of a patient. It also includes healthcare and payment records, as well as invoices for healthcare provided to an individual.
Jotform’s WordPress plug-in helps enable HIPAA compliance, along with a Jotform plan that includes HIPAA features. By signing up for either the Gold or Enterprise plan, Jotform offers you access to HIPAA-friendly templates, integrations, and plug-ins that help ensure your business complies with HIPAA across every medium. We provide rigorous security measures to enable HIPAA compliance so your patients’ data stays protected.