Oletko kyllästynyt aikaa vieviin ja epäkäytännöllisiin paperilomakkeisiin? Vie yrityksesi 2000-luvulle vaihtamalla sähköisiin lomakkeisiin! Jotformin ilmaisen sähköisen lomakkeen ohjelmiston avulla voit rakentaa mukautettuja nettilomakkeita ja lisätä ne verkkosivustollesi saumattomasti kerätäksesi tietoja, maksuja ja tiedostolatauksia verkossa.
Siirtyminen paperista sähköiseen lomakkeeseen on helpompaa kuin luulet. Valitse vain vapaamuotoinen malli aloittaaksesi!
By collecting important data online, you’ll instantly build a secure database of form data, e-signatures, file uploads — which can even be automatically synced to third-party apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, Trello, Airtable, and more!
Huolestuttaako sinua tietojen turvallisuus? Jotform tarjoaa edistykselliset turvatoimet, mukaanlukien lomakkeiden salaus, roskapostisuoja, ja varmuuskopiointii. Jotform on myös PCI-yhteensopiva, HIPAA-yhteensopiva, GDPR-yhteensopiva, sekä CCPA-yhteensopiva. Voit antaa mielesi levätä tietäessäsi että tietosi ovat turvassa kanssamme.
Et tarvitse teknisiä taitoja luodaksesi tehokkaita nettilomakkeita. Käyttämällä vedä ja pudota Lomakkeenrakentajaa, voit luoda sähköisiä lomakkeita ja kyselyjä jotka näyttävät juuri siltä kuin haluat. Tyylikäs muotoilu, kehittyneet lomakekentät ja ehdollinen logiikka, mukautetut e-lomakkeet pitävät käyttäjät kiinnostuneempina kuin paperilomakkeet!
Create custom electronics forms for your business in a few simple steps — all without coding.
All your questions about Jotform — answered. Check out our FAQs for answers to common questions, or contact our support team for further information.
An electronic form is an online version of a traditional paper form. Electronic forms perform the same functions and serve the same purposes as paper forms while eliminating the restrictions of paper and pen. Electronic forms allow organizations to collect responses more quickly, easily, and efficiently — all while reducing their carbon footprint.
While some users prefer paper forms, there are several benefits that make electronic forms the superior method, including
These benefits and more make electronic forms the first choice for many businesses. With e-forms, you simply need to create a form and digitally send it to your clients, colleagues, or team members. These forms are accessible regardless of your location, time zone, or device.
There are some significant differences between paper and electronic forms. With access to online resources, electronic forms are considerably more agile and powerful than their paper counterparts. Here are a few key differences:
Paper forms may be useful in some situations, but the advantages electronic forms bring to the table make them the go-to choice for any modern organization.
There are thousands of electronic form types, each with its own purpose and design. You can easily create, edit, and design electronic forms to fit your needs. While some may choose to create their forms from scratch, many seek a quicker, easier option in the form of electronic form templates. These templates save you time and effort, with designs that fit many common form types, including
Jotform offers these kinds of form templates — plus thousands more — that you can customize, fill out, and send electronically. If there’s a form you need, there’s likely a template available.
With electronic forms gaining in popularity, the market for electronic form builders has boomed. There are a number of options available that allow you to build your own. Some of the top options include the following:
However, there are hundreds of different tools available if none of these options fit your needs. Be sure to look for solutions that offer more than just electronic form building, with features like electronic signatures, approval automation, data reports, and PDF editing.
Electronic forms often must meet a number of compliance requirements to be appropriate for professional use. Various security measures, such as encryption and varying bit security protocol, typically protect electronic forms to keep your information safe. You can even protect a form with a password, which adds another layer of security and privacy to an already secure form.
While designing your form to fit your needs is important, there are a few elements you should consider to help improve your respondent experience and completion rate. These small changes make a big difference when it comes to getting the results you want.
If you follow these best practices, your form will be easier to fill out, and users will feel comfortable providing their information.