Miksi liitteet eivät tule enää erillisinä liitetiedostoina

  • nooraaiviothompson
    Asked on 8. lokakuuta 2024 klo 8.12


    Miten saan liitetiedostot näkymään myös viestissä erillisinä liitetiedostoina, kuten ensimmäisessä kuvassa. Nyt näkyvät ainoastaan tilauslomakkeen lopussa kuten jälkimmäisessä kuvassa.

    Miksi liitteet eivät tule enää erillisinä liitetiedostoina  Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Miksi liitteet eivät tule enää erillisinä liitetiedostoina  Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • William_C
    Replied on 8. lokakuuta 2024 klo 8.35

    Hi Noora,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. While we do offer Support in many foreign languages, and we're working hard to add more every day, we don't currently have Finnish Support agents who can help you. So I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using.

    Now, coming back to your question, you can enable the file submissions to come in as attachments in your email alerts by doing the following:

    1. Edit your form and go to Settings
    2. On the left, select Emails
    3. Choose the email alert that you wish to modify
      Miksi liitteet eivät tule enää erillisinä liitetiedostoina  Image 1 Screenshot 30
    4. Next, go to Advanced
    5. Switch ON the Send File Uploads as Attachments
      Miksi liitteet eivät tule enää erillisinä liitetiedostoina  Image 2 Screenshot 41

    After this, your form file submissions will come in as attachments. But take note that file attachments is limited to 5 MB. If the file is larger than this, it will not attach to the email.

    Let us know if you have other questions or need more help.

  • nooraaiviothompson
    Replied on 10. lokakuuta 2024 klo 5.46


    This setting was always like this but the attachments are not at the top of the email but only at the bottom.

    In addition, where can I add the option for the customer ,who fills the order form, to print the order pdf for themselves. It use to be there but it has now disappeared.
  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Replied on 10. lokakuuta 2024 klo 6.36

    Hi nooraaiviothompson,

    It looks like the positioning of the file attachment depends on your email service provider. If you are using Gmail, it is always at the bottom but I can offer a solution by using Gmail Move-To-Top Attachment Chrome extension. You can download and install it through this link. Make sure you use a Chrome browser.

    I moved your other question to a new thread and helped you with that here.

    Reach out again if you need any more help.