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Announcing Jotform Enterprise

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Annabel Maw: Hi everyone. Thank you for joining our webinar announcing Jotform Enterprise.

Today, we have a few people from our team of Jotform presenting. So we have myself Annabel from the marketing team, we have Jennifer from our sales department and we also have David from our support team, is going to be answering any of your questions via chat. Jotform Enterprise is a digital workplace productivity tool that provides a really powerful ROI. It’s designed for larger organizations and it streamlines the form building process into a single powerful tool that will speed up, simplify and centralize data collection with easy access for all of your teammates. So to get started.

History of Jotform


Annabel: I want to go in to a brief background about JotForm. We were founded in 2006 by Aytekin Tank and we’re headquartered over in San Francisco California. We have 5.5 million registered users and we’re available in 192 countries. Besides that we have more than twelve million forms hosted and more than 400 million form responses have been submitted. Jotform is also available in 18 languages such as English, Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish and Chinese. So it’s really comprehensive. Next, we want to go and talk about our enterprise product.

History of Jotform Image-1

Annabel: So I’m gonna kick it over to Jenny.

Jennifer Norman: Thank you Annabel and thanks everybody for being here. We’re really excited to see such a nice turnout today.

Features of Jotform Enterprise


Jennifer: And great to see that there’s so much excitement about the Jotform enterprise product. As you know, Jotform is the digital workplace productivity tool, making it really easy for you to create forms, to reach your customers or talk to your colleagues and collecting data all stored at one central location.

As we were building the enterprise product, the most important thing was to find out what our largest customers really need and what we found was that the big organizations really need a lot of JotForm. So with the enterprise product, you’ll never run out of JotForm. You have unlimited data storage, unlimited number of forms, submissions, everything you need as much as possible. The enterprise product also is unique in that it includes live customer support. You’ll have a dedicated customer success manager from David’s team that is able to assist you by phone as well as priority online support. The same great compliance and security levels that Jotform is famous for as well as integration with single sign on.

Features of Jotform Enterprise Image-1


Jennifer: So for our enterprise customers we can integrate with your single sign-on provider. You’ll have a custom branded domain and we can do custom contracts with you as well.

Annabel: Awesome. Thank you Jenny. Okay guys. So right now I’m going to go into a quick form demo of our classic form. Now I’m over in my dashboard and I’m gonna show you how to create a form.

Demo of Classic Form


Annabel: So here if you click on the “Create form” button on the left hand side, you’ll be prompted with two different form options. We have classic forms on the left and card forms on the right. Classic forms show all questions on one page and card forms only show one question per screen so that your respondents can really focus on what’s being asked. For this demo, we’ll go through the classic form here.

So, I’ll press create. I can choose between either a blank form, a template or an important form. For today, let’s choose a blank form. Perfect.

And I think a contact form is a good example for this demo. OK.

Demo of Classic Form Image-1


Annabel: Great.

Now that I’m in the form builder, I can come to the left hand side and add different form elements. So I can add a first name and last name. I can add an email, a phone number, maybe an address. And then if I scroll down, I also have other options. If I wanted to do a short text or long text entry. If I wanted to have a multiple choice question. If I wanted to include the page break or divider. I have all those options right here. For this specific use case, we probably wouldn’t need to use any payment integrations or widgets but since we’re here, I may as well just show you what we have.


Jotform has more than 30 payment integrations such as Square, PayPal, Authorized.net, Stripe. They are really reputable big name brands. We also have a lot more niche processors too. So if you scroll down, you can see that there is a wide variety of different payment processors.

We also have a number of different widgets. So these are really great if you’re looking to collect e-signatures. If you’re looking to do specific things with your forms like create a Facebook like Box, a checklist, a YouTube video. The options are really limitless when it comes to the types of widgets that we have for forms. If you’re looking for specific integrations, you can come over here to the “Settings” tab and come down here to the “Integration” section and check out all the different types of integrations we have. Anything from Google Sheets to Mailchimp to Zapier, to Asana and Trello. It really just depends on what you’re looking for.

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Annabel: But the integrations are really great for different activities. We also have emails. After a form response is received, you can set it up to get an email so that you know exactly when somebody sends in a response. We also have conditional logic so that you can show or hide form fields. And then also further personalizes the form so that people are not answering questions that aren’t pertaining to their specific answers. Okay great. I’ll go back to the form and depending on how your company is, you can also add your logo and you can add different brand colors. If you click over here on our form designer, you can choose between different preset themes and colors or you can choose your own by entering the codes. You can also choose the questions spacing in fonts. You can add in CSS. You can do a preset theme where you can also add in your own picture to depending on what your needs are.

I’ll come back to the colors. I’m gonna choose teal and then I’m going to preview my form.


So I have to do is just click on this button here in the upper right hand corner. This is my form looking pretty dandy. Cool. And then I’ll come over here. I can check out how my form will look on a tablet. I can double check the orientation of the form. It all looks great. I can check in on mobile. Check that orientation again, looking fantastic.

And then once I’m satisfied, I can come back to my form builder and I can press publish and then once it’s published, you can copy the link and send it out directly or I can open it in a new tab and just check it out again. And there you have it. Now I’m going to kick it back over to Jenny and she’s gonna go through a quick demo with Jotform cards.


Jennifer: Thanks Annabel for showing nice Jotform standard forms. I’m now going to do a Jotform cards form for everybody and thanks to those who joined earlier this year when we launched the Jotform cards and as you know it’s a great way to use Jotform in a different format allowing just one question per screen.

What I’m going to do here is create a Jotform cards to get some employee feedback. As we know from our users, many of our users are using Jotform to collect data externally.


And we also have very many users that are using Jotform internally within their organization. So here is creating the form through the form elements. We will go ahead and add a few fields here. And as you know, you have the ability to add single choice, multiple choice, dropdown, various different formats for the questions in your form including the emoji slider. Jotform cards also allows a great way to customize this with your branding, creating the colors that you need. The image in the background, it can embed video as well. You have the opportunity to click out and view your form.

You have the ability to add collaborators to work on this with you. You can preview these forms. And as I mentioned, Jotform cards will ask with just one question per screen. So as you can imagine, it’s a really clean, simple way to gather data.


And looks especially great on mobile. So right here within the platform, you have the ability to come in and see exactly what the recipients will be seeing whether they’re viewing this form on their smartphone. They have the questions one by one delivered to them if they’re looking at it on a tablet. You can preview exactly what their experience will be. Desktop as well.

And then again the ability to set conditional logic, determine who is email recipient after the submissions have been completed and the integrations as well. If I go over here to the gear icon, here’s where I have the ability to view my profile details > the account settings > you can change your timezone.

Demo of Classic Form Image-3


Jennifer: You can have a theme for different teams within your organization as well. This is a key piece here where you can download your data out of JotForm. The API key information and the histories tab as well.

So with classic Jotform and Jotform Cards, you have the ability to integrate with over 300 integration. So you can fit this right into your existing workflow. Jotform enterprise makes it even easier for account management.


You have the ability to create admin and user levels within your enterprise accounts. You can create teams as well. HR and finance can’t view each other’s submission data, for example.

Here’s the Jotform Enterprise interface for admin. You have the ability to designate your users either at the user level or at the admin level.

And right here in this panel as well you have the account settings. Here’s where you can add new users if you’re an admin.

Demo of Classic Form Image-4


Jennifer: And with regards to the user profiles are pricing for the enterprise model is based on the number of users, starting at 79$ per user per month. And we can discuss that and further detail with each of you. Jotform working with a lot of huge brands globally. So you’d be in very good company. We’ve been trusted by global brands for many years and look forward to having you join our family.

Thanks so much for joining our webinar today. At this point we’re going to jump into the lives Q&A and we really look forward to hearing your questions.

Questions and Answers

Annabel: OK. Awesome. So we’re gonna start jumping into the Q&A right now. I’m just going to go through the list of questions that we’ve received. The first one here is from Mika. And it asks: “Are the items you’re showing now part of an enterprise standard account?”.

Jennifer: Yes. The platform that we were showing as you saw the Acme logo in the top left corner rather than our standard accounts.

If you’re a current form user you would have a Jotform logo up there. So you’re able to put your branding in as well and custom domain…

Jotform Enterprise

Annabel: Excellent, thanks Jenny. So we have another question here from Darren that asks: “I have been using Jotform for years. It’s a great product. For this enterprise version, is the licensing cost based on form creators? And if so how does this affect the one hundred allowance for others to view and edit the forms that created? Does each license expand to their own one hundred sub accounts?”

Jennifer: No, there are no sub accounts with the enterprise version of the platform. Every user would be someone that is a form creator and they can be either designated as an admin level or a user level.

There’s no subuser level. That’s a good question.

Annabel: Thanks Jenny. We have another question from Carlos that says: “Can we connect to any database like mySQL?“ David, do you have any insight on this question?

David Wilson: Yeah, it’s actually completely possible to send form data to your own database. We have tools built in to allow sending post data via the “Thank you Page”.

So it’s actually fairly easy to set it up to then forward to your own database.

And just a side note on the subusers. Subusers are still somewhat available but only for sharing between accounts on the enterprise server. It doesn’t allow to say give access to the enterprise account from a regular Jotform account.

The enterprise servers are a more self-contained environment and this is for many reasons, mainly of which is security. And that’s just another side question that I’m seeing a lot of: “What’s the difference between enterprise and the regular product?” Enterprise allows for full customization of the environment and also account management. We have a few users already that require specific durations before the account is logged out.

Specific requirements for HIPAA, FERPA, also custom integration requests. All of this is possible on the enterprise server where it isn’t on our regular servers.

Annabel: Great. Thanks David.

We have another question from Ethan that asks: “Can the forms be integrated with other firms Web sites?” So, yes. All our forms you can easily integrate them into Web sites. You just need to grab the embed code from the form builder and then copy and paste it into your Web site. We have another question here from Terry: “When you show it is priced by users, Do you mean how many respondents complete the form and submit it?

Jennifer: No. This would be the form creators. People that are going in and creating the forms or accessing the data within the platform. With regards to those that are receiving the forms and completing the information that would be unlimited. You can create as many forms as you need and send them out as many times as you need.

Annabel: OK. We have another question here: “Is the user permission granular? Can we assign them different form in different locations?” David.

Do you have an answer for this one. The question was: “Is the user permission granular? Can we assign them different form in different locations?”

Jennifer: I think you mean in terms of having the user level so yes.. What that means is with the new admin panel for the enterprise product, you have the ability to determine which users can see which information help. You need to set up, the finance team for example and the H.R. team, can’t view each other’s forms or submission data. You’d have the ability to do that.

David: That goes along with what I was saying about the sub users. With enterprise, it’s not so much sharing the upgraded limits since there are no more account limits for enterprise. It’s more so if you have your finance team, you can set up your finance team as sub users so that they can share access to forms that they would all need access to without having to give access to the account itself.

Annabel: Thanks David another question from Fran: “With enterprise, is there any limit on forms or submissions?”

Jennifer: No. So that would be unlimited. You can have an unlimited number of forms as well as submission data.

Annabel: Thanks Jenny Let’s see here.

Going through the questions. Another question. David if you wouldn’t mind answering this one. This person asks about analytics and if they can be assigned selectively.

David: We have built in analytics but it would depend on the scope of what you need. If you need something like Google Analytics to be integrated, we have a partial Google analytics integration available already. But again, it would depend on the scope of what the analytics require.

Annabel: Thanks David. We’ve got one more for you too. Brett asks: “What CSS is and how it could be used with their account?”

David: CSS is just basically styling. A quick example I gave in chat would be if you have a specific field label that you want to be a different color than all the other labels in your form. You can target that element directly using CSS and apply styling to it. So all it does is change the look of specific elements in the form.

Annabel: Thank you.

We have another question from Mark that asks: “Can you elaborate more on sending form data to our own database? When a form is submitted, the only file type that is available is email as a PDF. Do you recommend using a certain widget or integration instead?”

David: If you’re sending to your own database, you can do it directly. There’s no need to use any sort of widgets or integrations or anything like that.

I posted a quick guide in the chat under that question originally but if anyone else needs it, I can post it again. But basically you can send the data via the “Thank you page” and handle it directly using your own scripts and send it through the “Thank you page” to your own database. So you can actually automate it.

Annabel: Awesome, thank you. And then Jenny another individual was wondering: “If we could go through pricing again and how the white labeling works with enterprise?”

Jennifer: Sure. The pricing starts at 79 dollars per user per month. The enterprise starts at plans of 15 users and above. For example, for 15 users, it’s about fourteen thousand for the year one. For hundred users is eighty two thousand. The price breaks over twenty five users. So the more users you buy, the less per user. And we can definitely discuss that further. But it’s 79 per user per month.

Annabel: Thanks Jenny.

Let’s see here. Another question from Ethan: “Some of our forms have a thousand plus fields. Would this system be able to handle the amount of responses received for such a massive amount?”

Jennifer: Yes definitely. There’s there’s no limit.

That does sound like a very small form with our conditional logic. You can set things up to as well so maybe if somebody should skip 20 questions within the form. Our forms will make it really easy for you to do that. Perhaps you can even make those forms a bit more responsive to the actual user.

Annabel: Thanks Jenny. Another question. David, this one’s for you.

“If I moved over to enterprise, would my Jotform URLs change since the servers are different?”

David: Technically yes they would.

I believe we could set it up so that the URLs could at least remain the same and then redirect to new forms on the Enterprise Server. But when you do migrate to the enterprise server, it goes from being www.jotform.com/formid to your company’s name.jotform.com. So it’d be Acme.jotform.com and the form URLs would follow that formatting. I’d be acme.jotform.com/formID. But I do believe that we can change it so that the initial or the original URLs are still active and invalid.

That’s especially necessary for people who have many many forms embedded to web pages and those URLs in the embed code actually have an impact on the structure. So yes, I do believe that we can make it so that all the form URLs are at least active.

Annabel: Thanks David. We have another question from Brett asking:”If we can do a quick demo of setting up different teams?

Brett, if you or anybody else would like to see a demo, we’re gonna be sending out a follow up email with a link so you can schedule a call or a demo with Jenny. We don’t quite have enough time to do that right now but we can do it later on for you.

Another question is from Darren: “Does enterprise support your API?” David would you mind answering this one?

David: Yeah. Our API that’s available currently for regular forms and accounts is also available for enterprise.

Annabel: Perfect. Thank you let’s see here.

Just going through the questions. This questions from Jim: “Do you guys offer support to help customers configure conditional logic? It’s hard to find any support on the Web site.”

Yes Jim, we do offer support on this. And then if you just email support@jotform.com or fill out the contact form, then one of our representatives will be able to get back to you.

Jennifer: And with the enterprise version, you’ll have a dedicated support person as well. David and his team.

So you’ll be able to access somebody directly with enterprise.

Annabel: Another question from Cynthia: “Will the enterprise form have a feature to help organizations who collect entry for competitions to use for reviewing and scoring applications and provide feedback to applicants?

Cynthia, this question might be a little bit too long to answer right now but our forms are fully customizable. If you’re looking to collect a certain type of information and you’re looking to do specific things with your form, we do have integrations and widgets and workarounds so that you’re able to collect any of the information in whichever way you need to correct.

Jennifer: And we have hundreds of integrations.

But if there’s a particular software application that you’re using in your existing workflow that you need Jotform to speak to, just let us know we are always adding to our hundreds of integrations.

Annabel: Yes definitely.

We just have a couple of minutes left. We’re going to take a few more questions and then wrap up the webinar so A.J. asks: “Is it possible to go on enterprise and not have the 15 plus users?”

Jennifer: Yes A.J. We can discuss that. Typically it is 15 users and up it was designed specifically for larger organizations that need more ability to a user management.

But if there’s anything you want specifically, we have had Jotform users switched to enterprise just for the customer support or something along those lines. If there’s a feature that you need, we can definitely discuss that.

Annabel: Thanks Jenny. And then we’re going to take one last question from Carlos: Are you able to integrate two ways this year. David, would you mind answering this question?

David: That would really depend on what you mean by two ways. If you mean by having data pulled from another application into Jotform, unfortunately that’s not yet possible mainly for security reasons. But it is possible to setup, of course as you’ve seen, the one way integrations was a beer to send to any number of different other platforms.

Annabel: Perfect. Thanks David. All right everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today. We really appreciate it. And we’re going to send a follow up email with some more information and a recording of this webinar. Again if you’d like to schedule a call or a demo with Jenny, shoot an email. Her information is going to be in that email as well. And we really thank you guys for coming out today.

Jennifer: Yeah. Thanks everybody for the turnout. Apologies to anyone that dialed in. Apparently some issues with go to webinar audio for those calling by phone. So our apologies there. Hopefully you all able to connect on our browser. And we thank everybody for joining and definitely having some follow up conversations. I hope to be speaking with a lot of you this coming days. Thanks a lot.

Annabel: Thanks so much.

Jotform Enterprise

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