How to Prefill form from other form fields?

  • logientregasdl
    Fecha de consulta 28 de noviembre de 2023, 19:24

    cordial saludo

    como hago para que dos formularios que se conectan tengan el mismo numero de ID del cliente,, ya que en uno es informacion persoanal y en el otro es una relacion mas detallada pero ambos continen informacion que se requiere para el mismo cliente

  • Israel Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 29 de noviembre de 2023, 3:07

    Hi logientregasdl, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    This is possible using Jotform prefill, which will allow you to fetch existing data from your form. It is really easy to do that. Let me show you how:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder, then click on Publish in the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen.
    2. Now, click on Prefill in the menu on the left side of the screen, and then select Form Prefill.
    3. Select the form that you want to prefill from, then choose the fields you want to take data from.
    4. Click on Save Settings, and that’s it.

    How to Prefill form from other form fields? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    We have a complete guide on How to Prefill Form Fields With Data From Another Form With Form Prefill? that you can check out for more information.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.

  • logientregasdl
    Fecha de respuesta 29 de noviembre de 2023, 15:07

    hola, he hecho el proceso como lo indicas pero en el formulario 2 no toma la informacion que se ha diligenciado en el momento de precargarlo, no se que paso estoy omitiendo, pero no lo toma.

  • Rene Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 29 de noviembre de 2023, 20:22

    Hi logientregasdl, 

    Thanks for getting back to us. Just to confirm, are you referring to this form? If so, I checked the form prefill set up and I saw that the form you're trying to prefill was deleted:

    How to Prefill form from other form fields? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Can you please try it again and let us test it first so that we can check what causes the issue?

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any more help.