Upload Quota reached

  • ciavmaterdei
    Fecha de consulta 5 de noviembre de 2023, 22:17

    Buenos dias, jotform me dice que ya utilice mi espacio de almacenamiento, y a pesar de haber borrado todos los formularios enviados no puedo utilizar el formulario actualmente .

    Es posible seguir usando la version gratuita si borro los formularios luego de enviarlos y descargarlos en pdf?

    En argentina es muy caro para pagar el servicio


  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2023, 0:23

    Hi Ciav,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    When I checked your form, I found that you have reached 124.32 MB over your 100M B upload limit. This has caused your forms to be temporarily interrupted. I checked your form's table and found that you have a lot of submission data that has not been deleted permanently yet. Let me show you how to do this:

    • In your form's table, click on the 3-dot icon beside your table name and select Trashed Entries.
    • On the menu on the right, select the data you'd like to remove permanently and click on Delete Forever.

    Upload Quota reached Image 1 Screenshot 20

    This will free up some upload space on your account which will enable your forms again. Please note that permanently deleted submission data can no longer be recovered. Consider keeping a backup of your submission data by downloading them as EXCEL/PDF/CSV or integrating your form with Google Sheets so you'll have a backup of your data in the Cloud. We also have a guide on How to Download Form Submissions as Excel, CSV, or PDF that you can check out. You may also consider upgrading to a higher plan on our Pricing website.

    Reach out again if you have any questions.

  • ciavmaterdei
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2023, 10:26

    thank you for your quick answer, at the moment I cant find any trashed entries on the three dots access.

    I understand that if I do this at the end of the day ill be able to keep using the free version of jotform for the moment. is that correct?

    i don't need the data that I erased, because I download the pdf for each patient.

    i think that is working at the moment, could clarify this?

    thanks again

  • Catherine Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2023, 10:47

    Hola ciavmaterdei,

    He revisado tu cuenta nuevamente y puedo confirmar que todos tus límites se encuentran dentro del rango de tu plan Inicial, por lo que todos tus formularios funcionan normalmente al momento.

    No dudes en contactarnos si tienes alguna otra pregunta.