Field with multiple products so they can select how many of them

  • eshoradefirmar
    Fecha de consulta 14 de octubre de 2023, 23:26


    I need a way to put a list of products, and beside the option of how may of those would they want. example:

    Apple (Select numer)
    Banana (Select numer)
    Watermelon (Select numer)
    Peach (Select numer)
    Orange (Select numer)

    The thing is I have many items... And I don't want to put it field by field... but just copy / paste (Just like you would in a dropdown list for example).

  • Therman_F
    Fecha de respuesta 15 de octubre de 2023, 1:57

    Hi Eshoradefirmar,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. If I understood you correctly, you want to put a list of products beside the option of the quantity. You can easily set this if you edit the Product Lists. Let me show you how:

    1. In the App Builder, click on the List (product list) icon.

    Field with multiple products so they can select how many of them Image 1 Screenshot 40

    2. Next, click on Product List, then click on Pencil Icon on Product Name.

    Field with multiple products so they can select how many of them Image 2 Screenshot 51

    3. Go to options to set the range of Quantity. Here you will be able to set the Quantity for the specific product.

    Field with multiple products so they can select how many of them Image 3 Screenshot 62

    If this is not what you meant, Can you provide us with more details regarding your query? Like the exact URL of the form. Also, if you can take a screenshot of what you're referring to, that will help us to understand better. We have a guide about how to do that here. 

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.