añadir nombre la persona que rellena formulario a un contrato

  • academiatimbasabor
    Fecha de consulta 22 de septiembre de 2023, 14:57

    Hola!! Equipo Jotform

    Estoy intentando añadir el nombre de la persona que rellena el formulario a unos terminos y condiciones para que sea mas personalizado.

    Ya inserte al inicio el campo nombre de donde tomaremos los datos, estoy empleando el witget campo narrativo para insertar el texto de los terminos y condiciones ahi en el lugar del nombre he colocado el nombre unico del campo con el nombre de la persona {nombreY3}, pero solo me aparece el codigo y no la información.

    Es posible realizar esto?

    Gracias por la atención.

    Jotform Thread 5564036 Screenshot
  • Karlo Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 22 de septiembre de 2023, 17:49

    Hi academiatimbasabor,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know, and we can have them do that. But keep in mind that you'll have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Unfortunately, we could not use the Narrative Field Widget. Since you are not using the potential of the narrative field widget, as a workaround, you can easily use the paragraph element in a few easy steps. Let me show you how.

    1. In Form Builder, on the left side of the screen, click on the Add Form Element.
    2. Scroll down, go to Paragraph, and drag or click on it.
    3. Click on the Pencil Icon in your paragraph field and paste the paragraph into the field.
    4. Click on the Form Field, select Nombre Completo, and finally click on the Check Mark to save.

    añadir nombre la persona que rellena formulario a un contrato Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Here is a preview of the cloned form when using the paragraph element.

    añadir nombre la persona que rellena formulario a un contrato Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Here is a guide on how to Pass an Input Field Value to a Paragraph Element.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • Academia Timba Sabor
    Fecha de respuesta 25 de septiembre de 2023, 15:18

    Hey Karlo!!!

    Thank you very much for your comments, they helped me solve the problem in the best way and get to know the tool better.

    I wish you a great weekgreat week.