p.aprendeyemprendeFecha de consulta 16 de enero de 2023, 18:15
Hola, tienen otras ofertas para comprar más espacio? Un poco más económicas?
Jessica Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 17 de enero de 2023, 3:31
Hello p.aprendeyemprende,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. As our Spanish support is currently not available, please allow us to assist you in English. Currently, we do not have a plan specifically for Upload Space, but I have manually refreshed your account limit again. The forms should now work as it is intended. If a similar situation occurred in the future, please try to clear your form cache by following the steps below:
- Hover on your avatar.
- Click Settings to go to the Account Settings page.
- Scroll down to the Form Caches section.
- Click the Clear Cache button.
By clearing your form cache, your forms will be calculated and appear with the latest updated usage. If you still received over-quota errors despite no limitations being reached, please reach out to us through this support system. We will check it further for you.
Let us know if you have more questions.