¿Cuántas presentaciones puedo recibir en el plan Starter?

  • redesccocular
    Fecha de consulta 16 de septiembre de 2024, 15:01

    Quiero crear un solo formulario y quiero saber en el plan gratis cuantas personas pueden responder mensualmente mi formulario.


  • Danilo Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 16 de septiembre de 2024, 15:15

    Hi redesccocular,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, our The Starter plan is a free trial that gives you access to most of the features that paid subscriptions have to offer. The main difference is the usage limits. For example, in the Starter plan, your account can receive 100 total entries per month for all of your forms. Only active forms are counted to the limit, which means if you delete one form and create a new one that means you will still have 5 forms. You can disable the form instead of deleting it since disabled forms are not counted toward the limit.

    Here's the list of your form data storage limit:

    • 5 Forms Limit — The number of active forms.
    • 100 Monthly Submissions — The total number of entries you can receive every month from all your forms.
    • 100MB Upload Space — The available storage space for file uploads.
    • 1,000 Monthly Form Views — The number of impressions or times your forms can be viewed.
    • 500 Total Submission Storage — The total number of form entries you can store in your account.
    • 100 Fields per Form — The maximum number of form elements for each form.
    • 10 Monthly Payment Submissions — The total number of completed payments from forms with payment processor integration.
    • 10 Monthly Signed Documents — The total number of signing processes completed, from all your Sign documents, your account can have every month.

    We also have a guide about Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits that you can check out. You can also upgrade your account to a higher plan to increase your account limit. Let me show you how:

    1. On your My Forms page, click on Pricing in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page.

    waht does Starter Account limit Image 1 Screenshot 50 Screenshot 10

    2. On the Pricing page, choose the plan you want to buy.

    waht does Starter Account limit Image 2 Screenshot 61 Screenshot 21

    3. In the popup window, choose either a Monthly or Yearly payment schedule and either Credit/Debit Card or PayPal as the payment method. 

    Here’s an example of the Bronze plan:

    waht does Starter Account limit Image 3 Screenshot 72 Screenshot 32

    After you click on Continue, you'll need to enter your Credit/Debit Card details.

    waht does Starter Account limit Image 4 Screenshot 83 Screenshot 43

    If you choose to use PayPal, you’ll get redirected to the PayPal payment page to complete the payment. 

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. 

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