¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos?

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de consulta 11 de julio de 2024, 15:03

    1) Are there discounts for Universities?

    2) Is the money in dollars or Argentinean pesos?

  • Alejandro Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 11 de julio de 2024, 15:20

    Hi Abigail,

    About your first question, the answer is yes, there is a discount of 50% on all our paid plans for educational institutions. You can easily apply by choosing the plan you want through this link and filling out the form you will be redirected to.

    Now, about your second question regarding the Argentinean pesos, please keep in mind that every price you can see for subscription plans on the pricing page is handled in us dollars. Your bank would be in charge of making the change from your local currency to us dollars when you make the payment.

    Give it a try and feel free to let us know if you need any more help.

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de respuesta 11 de julio de 2024, 18:29

    Okay, I ask because without discount the bronze plan costs 19.50 and the page that you directed me to the bronze plan has a value of 17, this second value is executed the 50% discount?

    This discount is made only once with a duration of 1 year, or you can reapply?

  • Catherine Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 11 de julio de 2024, 19:01

    Hi Abigail,

    The Bronze plan's current price is $39 per month (for annual payments). However, you are most likely eligible for a 50% Welcome discount, and that's why you're seeing $19 per month (for annual payments) on our pricing page. This is a one-time discount, meaning that once the year is completed, you will be charge the subscription normal pricing. On the other hand, when you applied for the Educational discount, this 50% discount will remain as long as you have an active subscription with Jotform. You can apply for it here.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de respuesta 5 de septiembre de 2024, 15:59

    ¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Hola no término de entender..... por mes sale 49, si se abona anualmente el precio es de 24,50 y si a eso a su vez pido el descuento por universidad del 50% por un año, seria de 12,25 dolares?

  • Neal Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 5 de septiembre de 2024, 18:33

    Hi Abigail,

    From the regular $49 monthly pricing of the Silver Plan, it goes down to $39 per month if you choose the yearly billing which gives you an instant 20% discount for switching from monthly to yearly billing. If you apply for the educational discount, you will then get another 50% discount which makes the $39 per month (yearly billing) become $19.50 per month for choosing the yearly billing. You can definitely apply for the educational discount by clicking here.

    ¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos? Image 1 Screenshot 20 Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de respuesta 17 de septiembre de 2024, 16:50

    Hola, diculpa pero no me condice con lo que veo en la pagina, te envio capturas.

    ¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    A nivel mensual me aparece el plan PLATA, 49/mes a nivel mensual.

    ¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Si paso a nivel Anual, me indica que pagaria 24,50/mes. me indica que me hacen el 50%.

    Si despues pido el descuento por educación seria ademas un 50%, quedandome en 12,25/mes, por 12 meses.

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de respuesta 17 de septiembre de 2024, 16:58

    Entre a la pagina de educacion,https://www.jotform.com/es/education/pricing/

    y tengo otros valores:

    ¿Are there discounts for Universities in argentinan pesos? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    El plan PLATA, a nivel anual, indica que te hace el 20% quedando en 31,2/mes si le anexamos el descuento adicional del 50% quedaria en 15,6/mes?

    Disculpa que te pregunte pero desde la universidad quieren contratar pero al ser en dolares desde Argentina se hace un poco confuso, los numeros y queremos que nos quede claro cuanto nos va a salir

  • Kelvin Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 17 de septiembre de 2024, 19:33

    Hi Abigail,

    The 20% discount applies to the difference between monthly and yearly terms. For example, the Silver plan costs $49.00/month on a monthly term, but drops to $39.00/month (or $468.00) on a yearly term. After selecting the term, we apply the 50% educational discount. With this adjustment, the Silver plan is $24.50/month on a monthly term, and $19.50/month (or $234.00) on a yearly term. To get the education discount, make sure you upgrade your account here.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • informaticaderechouns
    Fecha de respuesta 18 de septiembre de 2024, 16:27


    Perfecto ahi comprendi, consulto este descuento por educación es por un año? se puede renovar ?

  • Kelvin Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 18 de septiembre de 2024, 16:51

    Hi Abigail,

    The 50% educational discount will continue as long as your Jotform subscription remains active. To be eligible, apply and upgrade your account here.

    Reach out again if there’s anything else we can help you with.