Storage quota has not been updated

  • gradosupc
    Fecha de consulta 13 de junio de 2024, 19:51

    Cordial saludo,

    Solicito su colaboración con la actualización de la cuota de almacenamiento, que desde hace 4 horas se eliminaron grandes cantidades de envíos con archivos anexos, pero, el sistema no cambia el valor y el bloqueo por cuota de almacenamiento.

  • Mike_G Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de junio de 2024, 20:25

    Hi gradosupc,

    Our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, when I tested one of your forms, the same thing happened for me as you see in the screencast below:

    Storage quota has not been updated Image 1 Screenshot 80

    I recalculated your account's upload storage space usage and it shows 67.18 GB / 10.00 GB. I checked your 83343925768671 form, which has uploaded files in its submissions, and it shows it has 1949 submissions in Trashed entries as you see in the screenshot below:

    Storage quota has not been updated Image 2 Screenshot 91

    Deleted submissions stay on the Trashed entries for 30 days unless they are deleted manually. Since submissions deleted from the Trashed entries are irrecoverable, you can restore and download those submissions before deleting them completely. Let me show you how to restore your submissions:

    • On the Jotform Tables page, under the Form tab, click on the Three Dots icon.
    • In the dropdown list, click on Trashed Entries.
    • In the window that comes up on the right side of the page, choose Deleted Submission.
    • Click on Restore and that's it.

    Storage quota has not been updated Image 3 Screenshot 102

    Once the submissions are restored, you can download your data from Jotform Tables in CSV, Excel, or PDF format. Let me show you how:

    • On your My Tables page, next to the form with the submissions you want to see, click on View Table.

    Storage quota has not been updated Image 4 Screenshot 113

    • Hover your mouse over the Download All button on the right side of the page. 
    • Now, choose CSV, Excel, or PDF format and download your data.

    Storage quota has not been updated Image 5 Screenshot 124

    We also have a guide to help you learn how to download the uploaded files on your submissions.

    Now that you've backed up your submission data, you can delete your form submissions forever. We have a guide here that explains how you can delete submissions on the Trashed entries.

    However, if you want to keep the form submissions in your account and remove only the uploaded files you will have to delete the files on each submission. Let me show you how:

    1. On your My Forms page, choose your form and click on Submissions at the top.
    2. This will take you to Jotform Tables, where you can see a list of your submissions. Storage quota has not been updated Image 6 Screenshot 135
    3. In Jotform Tables, click on the uploaded files under the File Upload field column on each submission.
    4. In the menu that will appear, check the box on the right of the Select all attachments option, and click on the Delete button that will appear on the right.
    5. In the pop-up message, click on Delete file(s). Storage quota has not been updated Image 7 Screenshot 146

    After the uploaded files or the submissions with uploaded files in your form(s), you may need to clear your account's form cache to refresh your account usage. You can always check your account's current usage and when its monthly limit would reset on the Usage Page of your account. Let me show you how:

    • On your My Forms page, hover your mouse over your Avatar/Profile Picture. 
    • Click on Settings to go to your Account Settings.
    • Under Account Settings, click on the Usage tab.

    Is there anyway to get the discounted price for the Bronze Plan? Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 80 Screenshot 157

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • gradosupc
    Fecha de respuesta 14 de junio de 2024, 9:19

    Cordial saludo,

    Ya he procedido con la eliminación permanente de los registros previamente eliminados, pero, se eliminaron más registros de unos formularios que estaban asociados a la carpeta "Financiera", a la que no se le realizó la eliminación permanente de los envíos. Lo que se hizo fue eliminar el formulario.

    Agradecemos a ustedes, que pueden eliminar los registros o envíos asociados a los formularios eliminados

  • Ericson_B
    Fecha de respuesta 14 de junio de 2024, 9:29

    Hi gradosupc,

    I recalculated your upload space. The usage dropped from 38GB to 14GB, however the limit is still exceeded. To save space, you still need to remove more submissions with file uploads. 

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.