What is the Difference Between Monthly Submission and Total Submission Storage?

  • Jimenamardones
    Fecha de consulta 10 de mayo de 2024, 4:31

    However, I'm still wondering about the difference between "Submissions per month (10k)" and "Total submissions storage (100k)". Which of these features records the number of responses to all my forms? This way I will be able to know if I have a limit of 10k or 100k responses per month. Please help me with that differentiation.

    "K" is the abbreviation for thousands. Please find attached the functionalities of my subscriptionSobrepaso de respuestas en formulario Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 10

  • Sheena Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 10 de mayo de 2024, 4:52

    Hello Luciana,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. The Monthly Submissions limit refers to the total number of submissions in all forms an account is allowed to receive monthly. This limit resets every month on the date showing in your Account Usage Page. Getting over the limit before that will put the account in over-limit status and will disable the forms in that account temporarily until the limit resets or the account is upgraded.

    The Total Submission Storage, on the other hand, refers to the maximum number of entries you can store in your account overall. If you exceed this limit, your forms won't be disabled. Instead, the oldest submission data will be automatically deleted to make space for new submissions. Additionally, you can free up space by purging form entries.

    For instance, if you receive 10,000 submissions in the first month and another 10,000 submissions in the second month, your total submission storage will accumulate to 20,000 submissions. However, if you exceed 10,000 submissions in a single month, your forms will be disabled, even if you haven't surpassed the total submission storage limit.

    Let us know if you need any other help.