consulta tarifas para organizaciones sin animo de lucro

  • borrmart
    Fecha de consulta 22 de abril de 2024, 4:16

    Buenos días

    Pertenezco a la Editorial Borrmart, hemos sido clientes de su aplicativo desde 2015, teníamos suscripción Premium y por un problema de cambios de tarjeta de pago y despiste de la persona autorizada a la modificación de los dígitos de la misma se ha procedido por parte de ustedes a la degradación de la suscripción a la inicial, ¿podemos retomar la anterior licencia hoy mismo renovando el pago con los nuevos dígitos?.

    Adicionalmente a esta situación, estaríamos interesados en conocer las posibles tarifas para el uso por parte de una organización sin ánimo de lucro Fundación Borredá existente en nuestro Grupo Editorial, para traspasar extender su uso. En caso afirmativo, ¿podríamos migrar algunos formularios ya existentes?.

    Si disponen de dicho tipo de suscripciones, ¿Qué tramites serían necesarios para solicitar dichas tarifas para organización sin ánimo de lucro?.

    Good morning

    I belong to the Borrmart Editorial, we have been clients of your application since 2015, we had a Premium subscription and due to a problem of payment card changes and the confusion of the person authorized to modify the digits of the same, you have proceeded Due to the degradation of the subscription to the initial one, can we resume the previous license today by renewing the payment with the new digits?

    In addition to this situation, we would be interested in knowing the possible rates for use by a non-profit organization Fundación Borredá existing in our Editorial Group, to transfer and extend its use. If so, could we migrate some existing forms?

    If you have this type of subscription, what procedures would be necessary to request these rates for a non-profit organization?

  • Ibrar Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 22 de abril de 2024, 6:30

    Hi borrmart, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Jotform is the preferred online Form Builder for educational institutions around the world, from major universities to K–12 schools. With Jotform, you can easily create an education form that meets your needs. As an exclusive benefit, you can take Advantage of our 50% Educational Discount

    In case if you want to activate the legacy plan please let us know, I'll forward your account details to the relevant team for their review and let you know if you can still upgrade to legacy plan or not?

    Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.