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Webinar Transcript: The complete guide to Jotform Enterprise

What is Jotform Enterprise? How is it different from other Jotform plans? Is it a good fit for my organization? 

If these questions keep you up at night, consider this your melatonin: First, take some deep breaths and drink a warm glass of milk; next, watch “The complete guide to Jotform Enterprise” below. 

In this session we look at why over 700 organizations, including Ford, University of Michigan, and the American Heart Association, trust Enterprise as a safe and secure option to collect and manage important data. 

We discuss key features like 

  • Single sign-on for seamless integration with the other tools you’re using
  • User management so you can control who can access forms and submissions
  • A custom domain to match your brand
  • A local data residency (with optional HIPAA protection)

Check out the webinar, and click here to learn more or to get in touch with Sales!

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Introduction to Jotform Enterprise

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Morgan Ziontz: Hi everyone, Morgan Ziontz here at JotForm. Thanks for joining us for today’s session, the Complete Guide to Jotform Enterprise. Jotform Enterprise is a data management and productivity tool for your entire organization with the ability to designate user roles and with features that help your organization be successful and whatever you’re doing. Our presenter today is Steve Hartert, Chief Revenue Officer here at JotForm. Steve has been one of the primary people involved with Jotform Enterprise for the past three years. In fact, Steve’s ten years at the Jotform predates Enterprise. He’s helped shape Enterprise offerings since the idea first came up over four years ago.

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And here’s our agenda for today. So Steve is going to share everything you need to know to decide if Jotform Enterprise is the right solution for your organization. He’ll start with an overview of Jotform, the company and Jotform Enterprise, discuss integrations and share a number of use cases. At the end of the presentation today, we’ll have time for a Q&A. We’ve gathered a number of questions during the registration process. So we’ll try to address many of those. And if you have questions, as Steve goes through the session today, please feel free to enter them into the Q&A box. And we’ll get through as many as we can at the end. And without further I do, I will turn things over to Steve to get started. Steve.

About Jotform Enterprise

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Again like our standard product, we are available in 18 different languages you can see here from the board, how many we do have. And I think the beauty of this is it helps to demonstrate that it is a truly international kind of product. So if you have customers, or employees or whoever you’re going to be using a product like Enterprise around the globe. You can customize it for your needs. So between 18 different languages, we probably have everything you would need kind of covered there.

Why Jotform Enterprise

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People say, why would I need Jotform Enterprise? If I have a BSG account? If I have a bronze, silver or gold account with Jotform? Why would I need Enterprise? Well, honestly, what happens here is Enterprise is built for organizations that have multiple people and departments that are creating forms, and reviewing form submission data. You might have different workflow integrations that you want to build into your system. So, data can be brought into Enterprise and then pushed straight into your CRM system or what other tools you might end up using, as part of your kind of informational workflows. The other part of it, I think, is one of the most important pieces of here, too, it kind of eliminates what will be called the mishmash of form building. We have several locations out there on our standard plans that might have a person over to say the marketing department has signed up for our Jotform standard plan and maybe they’ve got somebody in another department signed up for another plan. You might have, say, 20-30 users individually working around there. Well, they all have worked this individually, they’re not working as a cohesive unit. So you may have replication of forms, you may have replication of submissions, there may be security issues that need to be worried about, there may be privacy issues that need to be worried about. There’s a whole lot of different kinds of issues that pop up here. There’s branding. If you’re a marketer, you want to worry about your branding. So these are things that Enterprise eliminates because you put it on an umbrella. 


The other part of it, I think is important as you can, we talk about simplifying and centralizing the data collection. When you do this as you can actually control now who had exact access to that data, and and also to your form creation, because right now you could be, for example, if you’re collecting healthcare information, private individual health care information, that’s got a whole list of security issues that surrounded and privacy issues that surrounded. And if you’re not using the proper format, if you’re not using HIPAA, potentially your company is exposed to liability, because if something should happen to that data, say, the employee leaves that data with that individual. Now, you’ve a problem on your hands, because now you’ve got this data that’s out there that potentially could be harmful because of how it was collected. And so this is where again, our Enterprise puts us underneath an umbrella that can help prevent some of this.


And I think one of the nice parts about it, too, it’s a SaaS solution, right software as a service. There’s no special software you have to install, there’s no special servers, you have to install it operates much like our standard plans, you just sign up, get your browser going, and you’re in business. And then you can start using them, Jotform Enterprise. And again, if you want to get a jump start, we have well more than 10,000 different form templates, it is a lot. And then we’re adding more every day. So if you’re stuck for an idea, you can always go to our template library to kind of give it a jump start, like I said, and you can start to customize and fit that form exactly to meet your needs.

Features and Solutions

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I think one of the key parts, and this is one of the big questions we always get asked, is what are the limits? Well, how many forms can I have? How many submissions can I have? Well, the beauty of Enterprise, it’s really unlimited. If you were to compare this against, say our standard plans, if you’re looking at our bronze plan, you’re limited to say 1000 form submissions every month, and you’re limited to 25 different types of different forms. As you move up through our silver and gold plants, those levels increase along with it. But when you get to Enterprise, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You can, you can have unlimited integrations, unlimited forums, unlimited submissions, unlimited form views. You get unlimited space, fields, everything. It’s just one less thing you have to worry about as a kind of data collecting person, you don’t start to sweat that issue anymore, that whole process goes away. So I think that’s one of the key selling points of this. And it’s one of the parts that our users are happy users dearly loved as part of it, because it’s a great feature for everyone to have.

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  • Priority Customer Support

So here’s a couple of more of the some of the key features and solutions that we offer on the Enterprise. We have priority customer support, if you’re under standard plans, you have to use our online support. And once you move into the Enterprise, you have what we call priority customer support, but you also have a dedicated support person. So you can actually interact with a person. Sometimes you can do it to chat, sometimes you can do it through a video call. There’s limited phone support on that, but you actually have somebody you can talk to and get support. So when you call up, or actually when you contact us, and you’re going to be asking for support, you’re going to be working with that same person again. So you can establish that relationship, they know your account. And you can make things work extremely well. It’s a great feature. 


  • HIPAA Compliant

We also offer, of course, features that help with HIPAA compliance. If you’re in the healthcare world, it’s critical. If you’re working in the education market, they want to have that same kind of extra level of security. So that’s something that’s very good to have. 


  • PCI Level 1 Compliance

PCI level 1 compliance is for if you’re taking online payments. You can think about banking uses at the same level. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, all the different flavors of banking, this is what they use for their online payments. So we talked about bank level security. This is what we mean by that. 


  • Single Sign-On

We also talk about single sign-on. What does this exactly mean? Well, single sign-on means if your existing account, using something inside in your internal systems, people can log in and then have access to different kinds of products or vendors within your own system. This is what it does, right? You can dovetail it into say if you’re using Microsoft’s Active Directory. Somebody could actually just log into their computer if they have access. If you’ve given them access to Jotform Enterprise, they can use that same login credentials to log into the Enterprise. Likewise, if that person should have to leave the company once that Active Directory login credential has been removed, that person no longer has access to the Enterprise. So it’s a very, very important piece for convenience for companies and for managing their user base. So, again, we offer this also through Enterprise, which is not available to our standard plans.


  • Service Level Agreement 

You can have a customized service level agreement. So you know exactly how your performance is going to be because you are on your own dedicated server (local data residency). 


  • Custom Domain

So you get a custom domain. So you could have forms.mycompany.com and that’s where your forms will sit. And by virtue of having that type of level, that service level agreement, you can see exactly what the performance level is supposed to be every month, and how things are going to be working as far as just the numbers look you everyday, what uptime would look like, how fast were to respond back to critical issues should those occur, those types of items.


  • Business Associate Agreement 

And then we also have, if you’re in the healthcare world, in particular, we also offer business associate agreements. So again, some pieces can be negotiated that can fit your needs. Whereas as opposed to the standard plans, we have one for everybody’s build on that side, it’s one size fits all. But on Enterprise, we do offer these customized pieces and make it work for you.

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Workflow Integrations


We talked a little bit about integrations in the end. Here are some of the most popular integrations that we offer right now. So you can see on the CRM side, we have things like Salesforce, HubSpot, Active Campaign. If you’re on the cloud, if you’re using it for cloud storage, you can take the Box, Google Drive, Egnyte, we also have Dropbox, other types of integrations in there. So your data can move and behave exactly how you want it to go. So if you have something set up, say on Box, and that’s where you store all of your online data, this is exactly where this can all go to. So you see that kind of part of it. We also have email integrations, like with MailChimp, and ConstantContact. And for collaborations, we have Asana and Slack. So these are key workflow products used by so many organizations around the world, and also our own existing Enterprise users right now though. When they reach out to us, we start talking about this. They get very excited that these features are there, because it means they can actually take Jotform Enterprise and just move it right into their workflow immediately without doing a lot of heavy lifting and a lot of technical iterations to make things work. 


I think what’s the key here is if you can capture that form submission data, and then push it straight into these products for action. I’ve got to download it and re-upload it and then kind of message that data, it goes straight in. For example, you can actually have a form that would, if somebody completes a form, then I can create a task in Asana, and then it’s assigned to that correct person or department. And that’s a huge time saver for any kind of a company because if you use an Asana to track projects, and just the day to day work cycle, these types of things are massive timesavers.

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Let’s talk a little bit here for security. And I think one of the key parts we like to talk about here is security. It is our number one priority at JotForm. We offer things like 256 bit SSL security. That’s the same level used by banks. We have encrypted forms to make sure that your data is transferred to securly, PCI compliance. So this is that we’re security level one, the highest security attainment you can have as a business that collects payments, right? So when you want to incorporate payments via credit cards, it’s there. You can do it with peace of mind. We’ll talk about that a second, but we have GDPR. So if you’re working with customers in the EU, you can make sure that your data is 100 percent compliant with EU data protection. We talked about HIPAA, and if you’re in the healthcare industry, or if you want that extra level of security, we have it. It’s there, and it’s available for you. We also offer spam protection. So you don’t have spammers flooding your forms with garbage. There’s captures that you can put on your forms. And there’s also several other types of options for your forms to prevent spammers from getting there. You can limit it to one submission per IP or computer. You can disable the form after a specific time or a number of submissions. So if you’re holding a contest, you could say look at the contest ends at midnight. So at 11:59 pm the form gets disabled or the first 1000 people that apply for something. So when either one of those limits are hit, the form can be deactivated. 


Then, there’s form privacy. So you can limit the access to your data depending on the level of privacy that you choose. And some of this is some back end information. But there’s also things that you can do on the front end. So you can just keep that form under the eyes of the people that need to see it. So you can kind of just prevent some of those nefarious people from getting in there and polluting your data and polluting your systems. 

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Talk a minute here about API’s. They’re a great tool. If you want to take a deep dive and create customisations, specifically for your needs, you’re going to want to use our API. Obviously, this API is written specifically for our users and for third party developers that want to help other Jotform users. So you can connect any other service to Jotform and make it an integral part of your workflow. Our API is very easy to use. What does this mean? In layman’s terms, where you can create custom widgets and apps. So if you’ve got a special kind of an organization, let’s say you’re in consumer products, and you’ve got special types of contests that you’re holding. Well, now you can actually make a special widget that may be a time and date stamp, or it’s got an address field or store, something specific to your needs, you can actually go ahead and code that and make that work for you. You can also pre-populated fields. So if you’ve got information and like, these people are coming in, and it’s based on their IP address, and they’re basing in Germany, while it would automatically filled, what country they’re based in and things like that. That helps you again, keep the data clean as it comes across. You can also use it to combine data from different forms. So if you’ve got contact information on one side, and say order information on another, you can take that bit of information and roll it into a single database of information now. You can also compare answers. You can compare what’s going on one form entry, versus those that have already been submitted on another form. So you can actually sit there and look at things and go, what’s happening here? And how is this data accurate? 


So this gets a little bit under the hood, you can get a little bit lost in the weeds on some of this. But for our more tech savvy types of users, so IT departments, CIOs, those types of organizations, they love this, because they can really get in there and fine tune that data collection process to really fit their needs. We find this to be extraordinarily popular with our user base. 

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SSO Login for Forms


I mentioned earlier types of SSO that we work with. It prevents you from having to keep two lists of employee access. People don’t have to remember to log in names and to passwords and things like that, you log into your account in the morning. You can access Enterprise, if that’s what your role is or you can access all your other features.


The key to this thing here is we work with a lot of the most popular ones that are out there. So we work with things like SAML, SAML 2.0. and we integrate other solutions like Microsoft Active Directory, there’s Google, there’s Okta, there’s Duo, OneLogin. There’s a whole litany of these that we work with. You can also use access to form so if you have people that have been registered customers for something based on that approval, so someone’s got a username and a password when they log in to a form. Now that you’ve given somebody access to it, so if they don’t have it, they can’t access that form. So it gives you an idea of having, protecting that data, so to speak from the outside world. I think the beauty of that is you can have it as like pre approved members. So if you’re sending something out to the customer base of new stores, for example, and you want to have just those people that are associated with that environment, login and register on a form, well, here’s how you can do that. So you can set all these types of things up. 


But your form users can get, they can log in, they can view and submit form data, they can look at their submission data so they can log in and go, I’m changing my address. So I want to go ahead and I want to edit that submission for later. And then maybe I can save it because maybe they run out of time, maybe it’s a job application, and that person doesn’t have enough time to complete it. They could save it and come back at a later point. But by having that login, that username and login information, this is a way that you can kind of use that and leverage that technology for your needs but also makes it as a benefit to your customers. 

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Jotform Mobile


Our mobile compatibility is also a very large component for our Enterprise users. If you look at it again, it compares this to our standard plans. But if you look at Enterprise, it’s 100% mobile compatible. So the forms if people are using it once they can create this, and they can go anywhere with it. I think that’s the beauty, whether you’re on a phone, if you’re on a tablet, if you’re on a computer, that form is going to work for it. 


I want to talk a little bit about an example here. The county of Marin, which is just north of San Francisco, uses Jotform Enterprise for two different techniques during COVID. Once they used it for a screening process, people were coming to get tested for COVID. Their health department employees were out in the field, and they were using their phones to register people, do the testing, check everything out. But that data was automatically input into that Department of Health database. So that was updated in real time. And there wasn’t the back and forth of a lot of paper that didn’t have to be rekeyed in and losing paper or just making sure you have enough paper. So they could actually be out in the field, actively getting data and that data was being pumped back into their workflow in real time. So they could look at the stats. 


The second part of it is when they were actually doing the COVID vaccinations. They were able to have people out in the field with tablets and phones, to check the registrations for people, to make sure that they had all the right information. They could check people in, they could make sure. Then at the end of the vaccination, they could say yes, John Smith has been vaccinated, it’s time and date stamp that goes right into the workflow. So they could check all that data out and have a very accurate process of everything. And, again, the data can be looked at in real time. So you could get real life stats and everything else. 


It doesn’t matter if there’s people that are out, multiple locations and want to be on one site, because it all works under cell signal. So it works perfectly for those kinds of environments. But we’ve had people also use it in concert venues where people use it when going out. Service technicians that are out in the field, they’re just double checking. They’re checking, they’re doing repairs on vehicles, and they need to take photographs, they need to kind of write up a quick report on what’s happened. This is where the beauty of Enterprise and mobile combined work great because you’ve got all that data gets moved into your workflow. And it just is seamless. It’s beautiful how it works.

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User Management


This is kind of what your typical form environment looks like. This is what I mentioned earlier about having people creating forms in one department, somebody is creating forms in another department and somebody leaves it. This is kind of a mishmash of forms. Everybody’s working independently, and there’s no real management to that form system. And again, it opens you up to liability if there’s a privacy violation or something like that. I think one of the key parts of this is that people sometimes miss this if say that one employee leaves, that person actually owns that data, because it was put on maybe their credit card, and they were paying for it out of their pocket. They own the data, the corporation or the university or the hospital, whatever it would be does not own that data, that person owns that data. And if that’s critical data to your company, now you’ve got a problem on your hands. When people do this, this is something that people don’t necessarily kind of grasp the issue but it’s really important. 

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Because when you move into something like Enterprise, you get admin and user levels, so you can actually have people in the marketing department, under the HR department, under the operations and finance. They’re all they have their forms, they have their form submission data, but it’s managed by somebody at a higher level, maybe it’s an IT director or CIO or, web manager, whoever that admin would be, they could control who has access to the data, who has access to the forms. 


The other key part of this is, it’s all kind of siloed off. So marketing cannot see what HR form submission data looks like. They can’t see operations, they can’t see finance, and all across the board. So if you’ve got very sensitive data that you’re capturing, let’s say it’s HR, you might be capturing some health data. You don’t want to share it with another department because that’s very private information. Same thing with finance may have some numbers, they may have revenue numbers that they can’t be sharing. Operations may have other types of information they can’t share. You can actually silo this off and keep it within that one piece there. So, you can control who has access to that data, you can control how it’s workload, and then that admin can also control who login to the SSO. If somebody should leave or somebody needs to be added on, they can control who has access to the forms, and have access to that data. We find this to be one of our most popular types of features that we offer because this is something that people have been asking for for a very long time and we’ve been able to introduce this on our Enterprise plans.

Current Customers

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Let’s talk a little bit about some of the companies that are using us. And you can see there’s a little bit of a who’s who here. As far as companies like Adobe, Ford, the Walt Disney Company use us, Viacom, Redbull. All of these users for various different types of reasons. Some of them are using for internal approval processes. Some of them are using for customer facing. For example, Red Bull uses us for all of their contest entries in Europe. So if somebody wants to get into a drawing, or some kind of a consumer contest that Redbull may be offering, they’re going to be completing that entry on JotForm. AMC uses us like the movie club that movie theaters are going to be opening back up again, this is going to become very important for AMC. So they’re going to want to have people register or sign up for special deals for the concessions, tickets, and all sorts of other things. So all of these types of companies use us and I mean, and the use cases are kind of varied. It’s like sometimes just internal, sometimes it’s external. But these use cases that people are working with, are quite fascinating. So when we talk to our customers, we love hearing how they’re using it, because sometimes they use it in ways that we never envisioned Enterprise being worked with. And it’s, it’s just fascinating to hear their stories.

Uses Cases

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What some of these things are we talked about, the county of Marin, how they’re using it for different types of health screenings. We’ve got lots and lots of different types of health care institutions, hospitals, using us for patient intake, anytime you go to a doctor, how many forms you have to fill out. You’ve got a patient form, you’ve got maybe the HIPAA compliance agreements that you have to sign off on. That you’re going to write the privacy of your data, all of these forms have to be completed. Usually you’re sitting in the waiting room doing it, you can do this in the comfort of your own home, you can do this someplace else on the way over there, if you’re a passenger in a car. Hopefully you’re not filling us out while you’re driving. You can be filling out all these forms, and that data is there. So we’ve got lots of hospitals and medical institutions and physician groups and such that are working with this. 


With COVID coming up right now, one of the big processes that they needed kind of a hands off, so they didn’t want to be trading paper forms anymore. So they were able to go to a pure digital online type of process. It’s a tremendous help and speeds up the whole movement of data internally. We talked about the consumer contest and how Red Bull uses us. So it gets built into the corporate workflow. All that customer data can get moved into whatever databases they need to act on. And so if it’s, email or if it’s sending out direct mail pieces, or an invite to different events, whatever, that data can be updated in real time. And that’s something that’s very important. 


Another example here is like the Walt Disney Corporation uses us to help manage your internal workflow of approval processes. So if somebody has submitted an invoice for something, or they want to send out a request for something, it might have to be approved by two or three different people before it can be put in the motion. They use Jotform Enterprise right now to help manage that process And then they can keep track of who did it with it’s all date and timestamp. Now they’ve got a record, it moves into their workflow. 


So myself as a manager could look and see did Morgan complete everything here? Yes. Oh, it’s great. Okay, it’s done the go. And I won’t see that until Morgan finally clicks off on her information. So these are the kinds of different things that people are working with. The sky’s the limit, as far as what you can think you probably can do with us, you probably can. And I think that’s the beauty of this. You’re really only limited by your imagination. There again, companies all over the world are using this in different types of companies from Fortune 25 to the SMB marketplace, a lot of different uses, a lot of different kinds of needs are being fulfilled, and it’s becoming quite the popular product. It’s one of our fastest growing if not the fastest growing product in the history of Jotform and that’s saying something. So I think at this point now Morgan, I believe we have some questions that we want to ask or answer that people have been asking us. So, I guess now’s the time to do it.

Questions and Answers



Morgan: Great. Well, thank you, Steve. That was great. That was fantastic. Yes, we do have a couple of questions that we’ve gathered in advance, and then a couple of more that have come in. And if you still have questions and haven’t gone to ask them again, please feel free to submit those now. I think we can start with minimum user requirements. That was one question. So are there minimum user requirements and requirements? And then if your number of users changes throughout your agreement, can you update that?


Steve: It’s a great question. We could ask ourselves a lot. We do have a minimum of five users because the nature of this Enterprise is much different than our standard plans. So we do have a minimum number of five users that you have to have. Through the course of the year, let’s say you start with five and then four months from now, you need to add three more, you definitely can do that. We’ll just make an addendum to your agreement. And now you can have eight users. So if you need to add people to the course of the year, it’s not a problem. We’ve had some companies that have added. The addendum number is eight. So they’ve added users eight different times over the course of a year, they started off at maybe five another at fifty. Because they just find a need for it. So yeah, not a problem on that front.


Morgan: Great. So no matter how many users are more than five, you’re good to go. 


Steve: Exactly.


Morgan: So we got a couple of questions about the difference between Enterprise and the standard Jotform the BSG plans that you talked about, would you mind just kind of highlighting some of the big differences between the two?


Steve: Yeah, sure. Let’s talk about limits for a second right now. Whether you’re using our free starter plan, bronze, silver, or gold, each one of those planned levels has a limit of some type, or whether it’s the number of forms, number of submissions, the amount of storage that you might have. There are limits to all of that. When you move into the Enterprise product, there are no limits. So you can have as many forms, you can have as many submissions as you need to have every month. The other part of it is under the let’s say Jotform standard plans, you’re only allowed to have one user. So you can’t be sharing logins, you can’t be sharing your username and password information. So it’s really designed for the single user. When you move into the Enterprise plan that is for teams. So if you’ve got multiple departments, as mentioned earlier, we’ve got marketing, you’ve got HR, you’ve got operations, you’ve got finance, maybe you’ve got maintenance in there, too. You can actually have all of those people underneath one umbrella plan. And so you can control who has access to the data, who has access to creating forms, who can prevent those different departments from seeing each other’s information. So, it gives you this nice kind of security umbrella over the top of it all.


Morgan: Well, and you mentioned limits. So another person had asked if there was a limit to how many responses you can gather in your forms. Is there a limit on the number of responses that you can get?


Steve: No, absolutely. There’s no limit to. Infinity is your limit. 


Morgan: Okay, perfect. Couple people are asking about support. I know you talked about that a little bit. Can you just kind of reiterate the options and get in touch with a support person if there are any questions?


Steve: Sure, definitely. I mean, the Enterprise has dedicated customer support people. You’re basically assigned your own support representative. So if you have a question, say about, maybe it’s a technical issue, you’re trying to get a widget to work or a workflow isn’t functioning correctly, an integration isn’t working correctly, somewhere there’s a credential missing, you have a dedicated support person on an Enterprise that you can contact directly, and you can either do it. There’s a lot of different avenues to work with them. You can do it through like, say, a chat, or you can actually jump on a video call and do screen sharing with you. So you can actually have that interaction and get all that solved. They work with you. You won’t be changing representatives as you move along. So if you’re working with Tom in support, Tom will be your support person throughout everything. Then we offer Monday through Friday during normal business hours, but we have people all around the world that handle this. So if you’re in Australia, you’re not working at US time. You’re working of Australian time. We have people in the EU, so we’ve got the time zones covered so there’s always somebody there to help you from the Enterprise support team.


Morgan: Great. Question that came in now. Do you also offer a white-label app?


Steve: Yes, we do. We do offer white-label. It’s actually been one of our more popular features, we’ve got several companies that are using it. Because for example, you might be a marketing agency, and you’ve got customers of your own, that could use a product much like Jotform Enterprise. So that allows them to kind of do like re-sell part of it, and then help kind of mask it. So those companies don’t know the source of it all. So it makes a very nice way for companies to help their customers and also allow them to have that kind of level of control over the top of it too.


Morgan: Great. And then there’s another question. I think it’s a little bit related. I’m going to try to summarize it. How does JotFrom Enterprise help in the protection of proprietary data that customers might be using?


Steve: Yeah, I mean, each Jotform Enterprise customer has their own dedicated server (local data residency). So you’re not sharing it with another user.So if you’re working on our standard plans, that’s all based on shared servers. So you might have 100 different users on the same server. With Enterprise, you have your own dedicated server (local data residency). So you don’t have to worry about somebody else sharing it and something happening. A technical issue could rear its head and something could happen because another user did something. You don’t have to worry about that. So that’s one part of it. That’s a big security piece of it. The other part of it is through Enterprise, some countries have it in law that data must be stored within their borders. For example, Australia will say, if you’re going to be storing data, you need to store it within Australian borders, that’s not a problem for us, because we have server locations within Australia. So our Australian companies have that peace of mind that the other servers, basically around Sydney, we have servers stamp to store down in Sydney. So that’s where the data is kept and maintained. So that’s a way that they all their proprietary data and that security level, it’s been addressed.


Morgan: Great. Another question was can you store data locally? So thank you for hitting that one. Another person is asking you if there’s a way to demo or see Enterprise functions before purchasing?


Steve: Yeah, if you go to our website, and you submit a lead form, we’ll be more than happy to have one of our salespeople give you a demo. If that’s what you’re asking for, you just have to go to fill out the lead form. Depending on where you’re located, then it’ll be sent to that appropriate salesperson. I’ve covered that region, but they will be more than happy to set up a time for you to see a demo of how it works. But the other side of that is Jotform Enterprise from a user perspective, functions are incredibly similar to this Jotform standard plan. So if you just want to give it a test drive, you want to see how the form builder works. For example, you can sign up for a Jotform starter plan, which is free, and just test it out to see if you are comfortable with it? Is it how easy it is to make a form? How easy is it to kind of just look at the form submission data, do those things. And then when you’re ready to move to Enterprise, we can bring all your forms with you and all your form submission data can be brought over imported into your new account. And that works the same, if you’re on bronze, silver, gold. That data can all be just moved right on into the process and you don’t have to worry about having to start all over again.


Morgan: Yes. If there’s any questions about getting that data over, or if something doesn’t seem to have been transferred correctly, would you recommend that they get in touch with their support person about that?


Steve: Absolutely yes. The most of the data is you can import it over on your own. But if any kind of an issue ever pops up, we encourage you to work with your support person.


Morgan: We have a few more questions in the chat or in the Q&A here to you. So if your clients are working on something, do they have the ability to save it? Do they have the ability to create logins and come back to something? So are they sub users under a client?


Steve: Well, yes. You’d be what you have is an Enterprise that you have the admin which kind of oversees it and you have a sub user. So you as an admin can control who could have access to that. So if John wishes to have access, the admin could grant that. Then you can base it on a number of different things: a username, a password, or username, an email address, and then create a password. When that person no longer needs access, you as the admin can stop it. So anytime that you wish to grant access privileges to somebody, you can do that.


Morgan: Can you just sort of summarize the different permission levels that are available?


Steve: Yes. There’s two flavors of it really. So if you want to look at just as a user itself, the user, you can create forms, and you can see your form submission data. I can’t see what you’ve done, I can’t see your forms, I can’t see your form submission data likewise you cannot see mine. The admin who manages everything does have access to that, because that’s the rule that person would have within the company. They usually are managing a whole lot of sensitive data. So they’re going to be overseeing that. But that admin then can control who has the access. So if I’m in marketing, they’re going to have somebody from the marketing department come in there, they’re going to create, again, for Jane Smith, Jane is going to be the one that’s going to be creating forms for marketing, she has access to the forms and form data. If you move over to say finance, Mary Jones is going to have access to all of that information, she’s going to be creating her own forms, creating her own form submission data. They cannot see each other, Jane and Mary cannot see one another but that admin who sits up on top can see all that information.


Morgan: Great. The last question that I’m seeing is, can forms accept multiple attachments or documents?


Steve: Yes. That’s up to you how you want to set up a form. There’s different ways and this is actually a very straightforward process to do. You can actually set attachments, and you can determine what kinds of attachments you want. So if you want to only accept, say, a PDF, you would specify attachments that can only be in the .PDF format. So it’s inside of the form builder, when you bring in the attachment pieces, and then you can control the format it would be. You can also control how many there would be as a maximum, say, of three, and you can actually control the size. So you want somebody who’s done, a two terabyte video file or something like that. So you can say we only accept PDFs, maximum three attachments, and a maximum of each one could be say two megabytes. So that gives you that kind of granular control over your form. Somebody doesn’t just send up something that’s just going to totally kind of bog down your whole system because you’ve got this 500 gigabyte file or something like that in there.


Morgan: Great. All right. Well, I think that was the last question and we are about out of time. Steve, do you want to leave everybody with a next step call to action? Like if they’re interested in Enterprise, what’s the best thing for them to do?


Steve: Sure, if you’re interested in our Enterprise product, just go to jotform.com/enterprise/. There’s our landing site there. You can read all sorts of different information. There’s documents you can read, if you want to take a deep dive into our API, or security. There’s lots of information there. You can see some of our case studies, you can take a look at how different customers are using Jotform Enterprise. And if you want more information, you can click our contact sales button and there’s a lead form, fill out that information and we’ll have somebody to get back in touch with you.


Morgan: Awesome, great. Well, thank you again everybody for being on the line today. I hope that this has been helpful. And again, you have your instructions on how to get in touch. We’ll see you at the next webinar. Bye.

Jotform Enterprise

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