Name: Patrick Burnett
Titel: Creative Director
Wie nutzen Sie Jotform in der Werbebranche?
We normally use it for our contact form but slowly, over the years, we've started doing more contests and giveaways for our readers and needed more submissions/forms.
I was using Jotform & Wufoo, but lately with Jotform's site upgrades, I enjoy using Jotform (...read more)
Name: Nick Drzayich
Titel: Vendor Relations
How do you use Jotform in consulting?
We work in a small, focused niche of the financial industry and use multiple platforms to drive traffic to our site.
Once we get a visitor we rely on Jotform forms to capture information (...read more)
Name: Vincent Calderon
Titel: Mobile Eye Doctor
How do you use Jotform in ecommerce?
Wir bieten mobile Augenbehandlungen und Brillen für ältere Menschen und Menschen, die zu Hause leben. Unsere mobilen Augenärzte erfassen die Brillendaten jetzt direkt über ihr iPhone in Jotform, die dann sofort an unser Labor zur Bearbeitung gesendet wird. (...weiterlesen)
Name: Moe Bates
Titel: Student Affairs Professional
How do you use Jotform in education?
We use Jotform to get applications, reservations, change logs, requests, & acceptances. Getting constant e-mails with random information for request to use various spaces that did not provide all of the information got me frustrated. (...read more)
Name: Taylor McCaslin
Titel: IT Manager
How do you use Jotform in event organization?
We use Jotform to completely digitize our New Work Festival application process. We also use it to gather mailing list emails, signups, and for internal data gathering.
Jotform helped our arts organization to move into the digital era with a completely (...read more)
Name: Sammie George
Titel: Entrepreneur
How do you use Jotform in marketing?
I have multiple websites, but the one I am using Jotform for, is my online business venture.
I had been working on a registration form for new web hosting accounts since a long time. I tried numerous html/php templates, but customizing them was a real pain. (...read more)
Name: Phil Broyles
Titel: Geschäftsführender Direktor
Wie verwenden Sie Jotform im Non-Profit-Bereich?
We just started and will be using this to give our clients access to the intake and enrollment process,client satisfaction surveys and outcome measures tracking.
I am very excited about the ability to easily and efficiently (...read more)
Name: Hattie Zwolinski
Titel: Fotograf
How do you use Jotform in photography?
Jotform ist mein Tool der Wahl für Kundenbestellungen, Buchungen von Fotoshootings, Informationsanfragen, Feedback-Umfragen nach Fotoshootings sowie für An- und Abmeldungen zu unserem monatlichen Newsletter — kurzum, ich benutze es für so ziemlich alles! Die Schnelligkeit der Bearbeitung durch Jotform ist beeindruckend. (...weiterlesen)
Name: Peter Varitimos
Titel: Schiedsrichter-Koordinator
How do you use Jotform in sports?
When I was losing track of all of my applications and had to ask my referees to send me a newly filled out form, I decided to use Jotform.
I am the referee coordinator, and I use it for applications, referee availability schedule, contracts, information, (...read more)
Name: Scott Irish
Titel: Reiseberater
How do you use Jotform in travel?
I use Jotform to create all types of forms for my travel agency from contacting us to paying a deposit on a cruise.
In making booking forms for group cruises, sometimes you need a form to have as many as (...read more)
Web Design
Name: Ivy Rockhead
Titel: Webdesigner
How do you use Jotform in web design?
I use Jotform for web design outlines, recurring bill payments, brand & identity evaluations, for logo and print marketing order forms as well as tiny subscriber forms integrated with my MailChimp and Zoho CRM accounts.
Jotform has helped me to achieve results (...read more)