Belgium E-signature Legality Guide

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Gesetzliche Regelung von E-Signaturen in Belgien

Belgien ist Mitglied der Europäischen Union und hält sich an die Verordnung (EU) Nr. 910/2014, auch eIDAS genannt, die 2014 eingeführt wurde und 2016 vollständig in Kraft trat.

eIDAS governs electronic identification and trust services across the European Union, ensuring a uniform approach to issues of authentication and digital identity across borders.

eIDAS recognizes three types of e-signatures: Simple Electronic Signature (SES), Advanced Electronic Signature (AdES), and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Each type of signature has different requirements.

QES, which has to be created by a qualified signature provider and must be backed by a qualified certificate, is the most secure and can be considered equivalent to a handwritten signature.

Belgium’s Economic Code and Civil Code have provisions managing the implementation of eIDAS and governing circumstances relating to e-signatures.

Consult a legal professional to ensure you’re meeting the requirements of relevant regulations and laws.
