Tables: How to download search results automatically?

  • Sternberg_Claus
    Gefragt am 2. November 2023 um 07:03
    Kann man irgendwo einstellen, dass, wenn man die Kundennummer aufruft, dann alle gefundenen Datensätze als PDF und Excel automatisch heruntergeladen werden?
  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2023 um 07:14

    Hi Claus,

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to automatically download search results from your submission tables. However, it's possible to select them, and then download them as PDF or Excel. Let me show you how to do that:

    • In your submission tables, enter your search criteria in the search bar.
    • Next, click on the checkbox on the left-most side of the screen on the column headers.
    • Hover your mouse over the Download All button on the right side of the page. 
    • Now, choose CSV, Excel, or PDF format and download your data.

    Tables: How to download search results automatically? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    That's it. Let us know if you need any other help.