Ist Jotform der richtige Anbieter für mein Projekt?

  • Chrissi V.
    Gefragt am 26. Oktober 2023 um 08:04

    Hallo liebes Jotform-Team,

    für meine Bachelor-Thesis möchte ich analysieren wie gut ein digitales Präventionsprogramm in seiner Effektivität abschneidet.

    Dazu möchte ich mein eigenes Präventionsprogramm nutzen und muss dazu eine passende App mit meinen 8 Videos, 8 PDFs, 2 Fragebögen und 2 Wissensquiz mit Dokumentation erstellen. Die Dokumentation soll zum Abschluss des Programms an mich weitergeleitet werden, auch gerne so, dass die Teilnehmer diese als PDF downloaden können und an mich weiterleiten. An der Studie sollen 50 Probanden teilnehmen, die die App Nutzen.

    Damit ich die Kosten meiner Bachelor-Thesis und den Aufwand der App-Entwicklung so gering wie möglich halte, vergleiche ich derzeit unterschiedliche App-Baukasten-Anbieter und deren kostenfreien Optionen. Da ich aus einer vollkommen anderen Branche komme, verstehe ich die Angaben in Eure Preisübersicht nicht genau!

    Mit der Angabe "Nutzer" ist der Membership-Nutzer gemeint, so viel habe ich verstanden!

    Aber was bedeutet:


    Monatlichen Antworten?

    Monatliche Formularansichten?

    Monatlich signierte Dokumente?

    Verfügbarer Speicherplatz und Gesamter Antwortspeicher?

    Ich würde mich über eine kurze Erläuterung und einer Einschätzung ob Euer App-Baukasten für mein Projekt geeignet ist sehr freuen.

    Beste Grüße


  • Lesther Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 26. Oktober 2023 um 10:37

    Hi Chrissi,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our German Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Yes, our platform will let you display 8 videos using our widgets, select the best video widgets that fit your needs here. Use the PDF Embedder to display the PDF in the form and allow the responders to download it. Visit our guide on How to Display a PDF Document on Your Form.

    Based on what you described, here's the concept or form process flow that I have in mind:

    1. Share the URL/link of the form or the QR code to them.
    2. They'll watch the videos and download the PDF.
    3. After the documentation, the responder will open the form again to respond to the questionnaire. I suggest keeping the 2 questionnaires in one form so they will be in one submission and fit the 100 Monthly Submission limit for the Starter (Free) plan.
    4. Upload the PDF copies of the documentation through the File Upload element (add this element to the form beforehand).
    5. You'll receive a copy of the form response through email. Likewise, you can view these in the Jotform Table or Inbox.

    In regard to the usage limits, visit our guide about Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits. Here are my response to what you've asked:

    • Form limit: This refers to the total number of forms that you can create in your account. For the Starter Plan, you're limited to 5 active forms. If there are 5 active forms, you won't be able to add more forms.
    • Monthly Submissions: This is the total number of submissions that you can have within a month. It allows up to 100 submissions in a month for the Starter Plan. Once this is consumed, it will disable the form until the counter resets on the 1st day of the following month.
    • Monthly form views: This is the number of views for your form referred to as impressions. When someone opens your form, it will be counted as a form view. If the 50 participants open the form the moment that they receive the URL or QR code of the form, it will cost 50 form views. If they exit the form and then they open the form again at the same time, then another 50 form view is added. It will not include the times that you're logged in to your account and editing your form.
    • Documents signed monthly: This is the count of completed and signed documents that are created from the Document Sign Builder or if you enable the Jotform Sign in your form. Document Sign or Jotform Sign is mainly for legal documents that will produce audit trails and is legally accepted for legal purposes.
    • Upload Space: It's the available space allocated to the account for storing uploaded files. If the participants upload the PDF and submit the form, it will consume the allocated Upload Space/storage.
    • Total Submissions: This refers to the overall total number of submissions accumulated since you started your account. Once it reaches the limit, it will start purging the oldest submissions in your account.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.