Upgrade auf Silver für 1 Monat ok?

  • Bagg_Form
    Gefragt am 25. Oktober 2023 um 04:24


    Wir haben unser bestehendes Abo für einen Monat auf Silber "upgegraded" weil die Anzahl Views knapp wird.

    Im Portal wird dieser Upgrade nicht angezeigt. Und in der E-Mail Bestätigung heisst es, wir hätten einen Downgrade vorgenommen.

    Wo liegt das Problem?

    Besten Dank für das Feedback und freundliche Grüsse, Thomas Baggenstos

  • William Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 25. Oktober 2023 um 06:35

    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to understand your question so please bear with me. In any case, still, feel free to answer back in your local language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer for someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.

    I have reviewed your account but there are no limits reached at the moment. I suppose that the downgrade schedule happened first before upgrading and that the upgrade failed to cancel the downgrade schedule.

    Now, I have removed your downgrade schedule and you should be able to continue using your forms without worries. Feel free to upgrade or downgrade your subscription anytime.

    Let us know if you have more questions or if you need more help.

  • Bagg_Form
    Geantwortet am 25. Oktober 2023 um 08:15

    Hi William

    Thanks for the quick response. Now we are on Silver - so everything is fine and you can close the case.

    Best, Thomas