Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing

  • GS_Forms
    Gefragt am 5. Oktober 2023 um 04:19


    die willkommensseite wird bei micht angezeicht/übversprungen.

    woran liegt das?

    weiter ist unter dem button ein weisser bereich. das ist auch nicht schön...

    Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 04:39

    der untertitel wird nicht angezeigt...

    es ist schon irre was wir mit euch übe die jahre ärger haben. als ehemalige enterprise-kunde ist man doch sehr verwundert, was ihr immer wieder für schrott-updates bringt...

    Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Eiron_O Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 09:41

    Hi Georg,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. We're sorry you're having trouble with this. I've cloned and tested the form and was able to replicate the issue. Can you try to remove the current Welcome Page and add it again? Let me show you how:

    • In the Smart PDF builder, click on Edit Welcome Page at the top.
    • Then click on Remove Welcome Page at the top left side of the page.

    Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Then recreate the welcome page so that it will show in the preview of the form. I've cleared your form caches to refresh the data. You can also clear your browser cache and cookies.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 10:24

    hi there, engl. is no problem.

    the way you write i tryed, but the problem is the same. i tryed different browsers too.

  • Eiron_O Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 11:02

    Hi Georg,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We're sorry you're having trouble with this. I'll need a bit of time to look into this. I'll get back to you with an update as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 12:28

    no problem - thank you!

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 5. Oktober 2023 um 12:51

    was there an update in the last 3 days by jotform?

  • Eiron_O Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 6. Oktober 2023 um 05:09

    Hi Georg,

    Thanks for waiting patiently. I was able to replicate the issue when I cloned and tested your form, so I've escalated this to our developers for review. As soon as we have an update, we'll let you know on this thread.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding.

  • mert Jotform UI Developer
    Geantwortet am 18. Oktober 2023 um 10:21

    Hi Georg,

    The issue should be fixed now. Please check it on your side and let us know the results.

    Thank you.

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 18. Oktober 2023 um 11:32

    hi, nope, same issue...

    Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 1 Screenshot 30Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • mert Jotform UI Developer
    Geantwortet am 18. Oktober 2023 um 11:56

    Hi again,

    It was about your form caches, I've cleared them now. Could you please preview your form again?

  • GS_Forms
    Geantwortet am 18. Oktober 2023 um 11:57

    YES!!!!! TY!!!!

    Subheader in the Welcome page is not showing Image 1 Screenshot 20