Spezifische Landingpages je nach Ergebnis

  • PaarBalance
    Gefragt am 21. September 2023 um 17:40

    In meinem Test https://eu.jotform.com/build/223263177542960 habe ich 5 mögliche Ergebnisse. Nun möchte ich für jedes Ergebnis eine eigene Danke-Seite hinterlegen. Wie mache ich das?

  • Silvano Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 22. September 2023 um 03:04

    Hi PaarBalance,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am currently using a translation to provide assistance, but if you want to get assistance in German language, we can forward your request to our German Support Team, but please note that it may take longer to receive a response. It is possible to have a different “Thank You” page depending on the result of your form's users. Let me show you how:

    • In Form Elements, on the left side of the screen, click on Single Choice for your quiz and Form Calculation for the Total Score.

    It will look like this:

    1656926874 62c2b29a18e4c  Screenshot 10 Screenshot 10

    • After adding the Questions and possible answers in your Single Choice Field. Click the Gear icon of your Single Choice Field.
    • Click Options on Single Choice Properties.
    • Turn on the Toggle button of Use Calculation Values.
    • On Calculation Values, set the specific score of each answer. (0 = Wrong, 1 = Right Answer)

    Please note to do these settings to all of your Single Choice Properties.

    1656926968 62c2b2f865806  Screenshot 21 Screenshot 21

    • Click the Widget Settings of your Form Calculation.
    • Add all the scores in each Single Choice Field.
    • Click Save.

    1656927135 62c2b39fe92bf  Screenshot 32 Screenshot 32

    • In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on Settings.
    • Click on Conditions on the left side of the screen.
    • Click Add a new condition and select CHANGE “THANK YOU” PAGE.

    1656927283 62c2b433d30af  Screenshot 43 Screenshot 43

    • Create a condition to redirect to another thank you page based on the total score of the user.

    1656927419 62c2b4bb2b924  Screenshot 54 Screenshot 54

    Check out the screencast below:

    1656927519 62c2b51f66018 Test Screenshot 65 Screenshot 65

    You may check out this guide about How to Perform Form Calculation Using a Widget and Change Thank You Page URL Based on a Condition.

    That's it. Let us know if you have any other questions.