Quiz Form: how many participants are allowed to take and track results for each

  • ninaparplys
    Gefragt am 8. September 2023 um 10:27

    Wir würden gerne das erstellte Quiz in Echtzeit auswerten und sehen welcher Teilnehmer den besten Score hat, bzw. welche 3 Teilnehmer den besten Score haben.

    Eine weitere Frage ist, wie viele Maximalteilnehmer gleichzeitig an dem Quiz teilnehmen können und das Formular ausfüllen.

    Können Sie hier weiterhelfen?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus.

    Herzliche Grüße


  • Mary Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 8. September 2023 um 12:50

    Hi Nina,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our German Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. The participants can fill out the quiz form at the same time, since the submission will be recorded separately. However, there are submission limits imposed per available plan in Jotform. For instance, the monthly submission limit for the Starter plan is 100 responses. You can check out our Pricing Page to know.

    Also, you can track the results of each participant real time, as long as you add your email address to the 'Email Results to' option when converting your form into a Quiz form as stated under item 4, as shown below:

    1. Go to Quiz Form, then select and click Open Quiz Form option at the bottom.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 1 Screenshot 70 Screenshot 10 Screenshot 20

    2. Click Allow in the authorization dialogue box that will appear.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 2 Screenshot 81 Screenshot 21 Screenshot 31

    3. Once the Form Picker dialogue box appears, choose your form and click Continue in the lower-right corner.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 3 Screenshot 92 Screenshot 32 Screenshot 42

    4. You will now choose the features that you’d like to enable in the Options section. You will find the specifications of the features in this link.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 4 Screenshot 103 Screenshot 43 Screenshot 53

    5. You will go through your selected form to choose and provide the correct answers to the questions that you have prepared, and select Save Quiz.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 5 Screenshot 114 Screenshot 54 Screenshot 64

    That's it. Your Quiz form is ready. Your responders will know how many correct answers they got after they submit the form.

    Create a Quiz Form  Image 6 Screenshot 125 Screenshot 65 Screenshot 75

    Also, this is a sample notification you will receive.

    Quiz Form: how many participants are allowed to take and track results for each Image 1 Screenshot 86

    Let us know if you have any other questions.