Formular erstellen

  • janpr596
    Gefragt am 4. September 2023 um 05:20



    ich möchte ein Formular erstellen, in welchem Handwerker auswählen können, welche der von mir angebotenen Arbeiten sie ausführen könnnen. Dazu braucht es

    • Checkbox-Felder (ideal mit kleinen Tumbnail-Fotos zu den Arbeiten)
    • Checkbox-Felder und Zahlenfelder für die Qualifikationen und Berufserfahrung des Handwerkers
    • Checkbox-Felder zur zeitlichen Bereitschaft: möglicher Beginn, verfügbare Zeit im Zeitraum X (Kalender-Feld)

    gibt es hierzu eine Vorlage oder eine passgenaue Anleitung für genau diese Inhalte?

    Idealerweise möchte ich das Formular mit Notion veröffentlichen, aber ich bin flexibel, was die Plattform betrifft.

    Freundliche Grüße





    I would like to create a form in which craftsmen can select which of the works I offer they can perform. For this it needs

       Checkbox fields (ideally with small tumbnail photos of the work)

       Checkbox fields and number fields for the craftsman's qualifications and work experience

       checkbox fields for time readiness: possible start, available time in period X (calendar field)

    is there a template or a fitting instruction for exactly this content?

    Ideally I would like to publish the form using Notion, but I am flexible on the platform.

    Kind regards


  • Anthony_E
    Geantwortet am 4. September 2023 um 08:41

    Hello Jan,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We currently have 46 templates tagged under Craft, but unfortunately, none of them precisely match your requirements. However, you have the option to create a custom form from scratch. To assist you, I've created an example form for your reference. You can further enhance this form by incorporating some widgets to meet your specific needs. Here's a list of recommended widgets:

    • Image picker: This widget allows you to showcase images of your work, enabling clients to make selections visually.
    • Input Table: This form field allows you to create a list view with checkboxes and text boxes for versatile data collection.
    • DateTime Single: This widget provides a calendar interface, allowing your clients to select dates and hours conveniently.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.