Storage status

  • umzuegesachs
    Gefragt am 4. September 2023 um 05:12

    Hallo, ich habe von Ihnen die Information erhalten, dass am 06.09.2023 der in meinem Abo verfügbare Speicher erreicht wird. Laut meinem Konto habe ich derzeit ca. 5 GB belegt und in meinem Bronze-Abo stehen mir 10 GB zur Verfügung. Können Sie mir bitte dies erläutern?

    Vielen Dank!

    Viele Grüße

    Heike Schmich von Umzüge Sachs

  • Kris Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 4. September 2023 um 08:03

    Hello Heike,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We’re sorry if you’re having trouble and the confusion that this has caused you. My apologies if I responded in a different language, our German Support is engaged with another thread. I am currently using a translator tool to communicate with you. But let us know if you prefer to be assisted in your native language and I will forward this to the German Support, however, there will be a delay in response. I’ll do my best to help you out.

    As per checking on your account, you have used 5.75 GB/10 GB storage. There should be no issues reaching the limit of your storage. You can check this guide to understand your account usage and limits.

    Can you share with us a screenshot of the information you received? We have a guide here explaining how to do that. I’ve cleared the cache of your form on our backend system for additional precautions. You can also clear the cache of your forms by following the guide on how to clear your form cache

    We will move forward as soon as we receive a response from you.

  • umzuegesachs
    Geantwortet am 4. September 2023 um 08:07

    Storage status Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Thanks, here is the screenshot.

  • Kris Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 4. September 2023 um 08:25

    Hi Heike,

    Thanks for getting back to Jotform Support and for providing the screenshot. As I dig deeper into your account, I confirmed that your subscription is set to renew on February 02, 2024. Have you made sure that you are currently logged into your Jotform account that has the annual Bronze subscription?

    Please try to log out of your account and log in again. The email address of your Jotform account that has the annual Bronze subscription is i***@u***e**-s***s.c**.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have other questions