Refund 50EURO request.

  • Volkan Saglam
    Gefragt am 1. Februar 2023 um 06:32

    Hallo ich habe bei asos eine rückerstattung bekommen bzw stornierung es war ein gutschein in wert von 50euro die meinten die rückerstattung läuft über worldpay der betrag wurde mir laut asos zurückerstattet doch die damalige kontonr existiert nicht mehr da ich eine neue iban habe können sie mich bitte koktaktieren um den betrag aufs neue konto zu erstatten ?

  • Shirized Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 1. Februar 2023 um 06:42

    Hi Volkan,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform. Our German Support is currently not available to assist so I will answer your concern in English. Unfortunately, we don’t currently offer live phone support. If you have any questions, just reply to this thread, or you can create a forum thread from the Contact Us page. We’ll be happy to help.

    I checked the status of the email you're currently using and this seems to be a Guest account. May I know if you're referring to another account? If so, can you provide us the email or the form URL associated with that account so we can check it and further assist you with your concern?

    Also, if you prefer your native language, let us know so we can forward your concern to our German Support.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.