DSGVO/GDPR und Shopanfrage

  • Dieter Schäfer
    Gefragt am 21. Oktober 2022 um 09:01


    ist die Nutzung von Jotform DSGVO-konform möglich?

    In welchem Land werden die Daten Ihres Dienstes gespeichert?

    Werden durch die Nutzung von Jotform Cookies übertragen und falls ja, kann man die Übertragung abschalten?

    Benutzt Jotform Google Fonts und wenn ja, kann man dies unterbinden?

    Und noch eine konkrete Frage zu Ihrem Shop-Tool/-Template.

    Wo finde ich bei einem Shop-Template den Check-out- bzw. das Check-Out-Formular?

    Kann man dieses um weitere, eigene Felder, bei denen man Ja / Nein anklicken muss, ergänzen?

    Beispieltext: Ich möchte künftig weitere Produktinformationen zugeschickt bekommen. Ja/Nein

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    D. Schäfer

  • Gilbert Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 21. Oktober 2022 um 09:21

    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Apologies for having to reply in English as our German support isn't available at this time. To answer your question about GDPR compliance, yes, Jotform is GDPR compliant which you can read more about here.

    As for your next question about where the data is stored, the data is stored either in the US or in Germany. If you want to store your data in our Europe Datacenter, you can go to your account's Data page and check the option "Store my data only in Europe(Germany)".

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    About your question if Jotform uses cookies, yes, Jotform uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the website. This helps us provide you with a good experience, improve our service, and to personalize ads and content for you while you use the website. You can check this article for more details about our Cookie Policy as well as how you can block/delete our cookies.

    As for your question if Jotform use Google Fonts, Jotform also supports CSS At-rules like @import and @font-face. You can use these to import your custom fonts from Google Fonts or fonts hosted on your server. Basically, Google Fonts is not available for use by default but you can import them and use them on your forms.

    For your last question about the checkout feature in the shop, we do have a checkout feature in the Store when you create your own custom Jotform app. You can check this guide for more details on how you can create your Jotform Store from scratch.

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    You can also check our User Guide for the Jotform Store Builder on this page. Unfortunately, there's no option yet to add custom fields that will ask additional questions in the checkout feature.

    Let us know if you have any other questions. If you prefer to receive help in your native language, please let us know and we'll forward your ticket to our German Support Team.