schlechter Kundenservice: Starter Paket einfach von Jotform deaktiviert

  • Barbara
    Gefragt am 31. März 2022 um 10:48

    Warum hat Jotform meine Formulare deaktiviert?

    ich habe nicht mehr als 5 aktiv und das Limit bei weitem nicht erreicht.

    ich bin STARTER - weshalb macht Ihr das? worin liegt die Ursache?

    Ihr habt das auf der Website veröffentlicht:

    danke für die Wiederaktivierung


    1648063419 623b73bb27ba7 Jotform Starter Screenshot 10

  • Niko_N
    Geantwortet am 31. März 2022 um 13:29

    Greetings Barbara,

    We apologize for the inconvenience. German support agents are not available at the moment. Until they are able to check and provide assistance in German, please let us try to assist you in English.

    I've checked your account usage and it currently uses 119.00 MB of upload space from the limit of 100MB for free plan accounts.

    The upload space limit refers to the files uploaded by the users. If the user attaches files to the file File Upload field and submits it, then the size of the uploaded file will be counted in your upload space.

    To free up the upload space, you'll have to delete your submissions. Please follow the steps below:

    1) Download all the submissions just in case you need them for future instances. 

    Reference Guide: How-to-Download-the-Submission-Files

    2) After that, you can go to form submissions and delete the submissions. This will free up the upload space.

    Reference guide: How-to-Delete-Form-Submission-Data

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

  • barbarafluegge
    Geantwortet am 31. März 2022 um 14:20

    hi Niko

    I deleted now the attachments

    I only have 3 submissions so far.

    when launching the jotform: , it still creates an error message.

    can you please check again



  • Niko_N
    Geantwortet am 31. März 2022 um 14:27

    Hello Barbara,

    I've recalculated your account usage limits and since everything is below the limits, the forms should be active and accessible now. Please check and let us know if you need further assistance.

  • Barbara Flügge
    Geantwortet am 31. März 2022 um 14:29

    Dear Niko

    now it works

    thanks a million
