Zahlungsmitteln ändern

  • LiSaOffice
    Gefragt am 18. Januar 2022 um 04:36


    ich würde gerne mein Zahlungsmitteln ändern. Aktuell ist Paypal hinterlegt. Über die Einstellungen werde ich immer auf mein Paypal Konto geleitet, ohne das ich etwas ändern kann.

    Wit geht es, dass ich mein Zahlungsmittel von Paypal auf Kreditkarte ändere?

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Sabrina Ünal

  • Gaetan_B
    Geantwortet am 18. Januar 2022 um 08:03


    Apologies our German team is not here today.

    If you would like, we cancel and refund your last payment (you will be downgraded to free), and you should be able to change the payment method.

    (Please do not forget to cancel the subscription in PayPal as well).

    Should we do this?

    Best regards

  • Sabrina
    Geantwortet am 18. Januar 2022 um 08:46

    Dear support,

    Thanks for your quick response. We dont want to cancel our discription. we only want to change the payment plan from Paypal to credit card, because since 01.01.2022 we were Ünal & Witte GbR. could you please delete the paypal account from our plan and change it to credit card?

    Thanks an advance


  • Gaetan_B
    Geantwortet am 18. Januar 2022 um 10:26


    To do so the only way we have is to stop the current subscription so that you can change the payment processor.

    The system does not let you remove billing information while a subscription is still active.

    Best regards

  • LiSaOffice
    Geantwortet am 22. Januar 2022 um 07:08

    okay I understand. Did we loose any templates or information if we downgrade?

  • Gaetan_B
    Geantwortet am 22. Januar 2022 um 09:14


    Not at all, we do not erase the data.

    The only thing that will happen is that when we force the downgrade, you will not be able to accept new submissions or create new forms until you upgrade again.

    But when we force the downgrade, we send you an email right away so that you are aware of it.

    Best regards