Farbe von Schaltfläche bei Ja/Nein Frage kann nicht geändert werden.

  • rbaur
    Gefragt am 14. Januar 2022 um 11:00

    Hallo Support,

    ich möchte die Farbe der Ja/Nein Schaltfläche ändern, finde aber leider keine Möglichkeit.

    Diese ist Standardmäßig in blau eingestellt was nicht zum Rest vom Design passt.

    Viele Grüße

    Jotform Thread 3669226 Screenshot
  • Hanne Enterprise Support
    Geantwortet am 14. Januar 2022 um 13:16


    Thank you for reaching out. I apologize for replying in English. If you would like to wait and receive support in German, please let me know.

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, there are currently no options to change the color on the Yes/No buttons. Additionally, it cannot be changed with CSS, as this is not supported for the Card form layout.

    Further, if you select to change to the Classic layout, the Yes/No option is no longer available.

    What I can do, is open a feature request, to see if the developers can add options for the color on the relevant buttons.

    Let me know!