Formular Layout

  • Carneades
    Gefragt am 2. November 2021 um 04:58

    Sehr geehrtes Support-Team,

    unser erstes Formular steht kurz vor der Finalisierung. Jedoch sind uns noch wenige Dinge aufgefallen, welche geändert werden müssen.

    1.Der Hintergrund, unserer Automatischen Zusage-Mail, sowie auch der Warteliste-Mail besitzt einen leicht bläulichen Hintergrund, wenn man diese im Outlook erhält. Dieser sollte möglichst in weiß geändert werden.

    1635843461 6180fd85da78d  Screenshot 10

    2.Wenn ein Pflichtfeld angeklickt wird, und nicht direkt ausgefüllt wird, erscheint ein unübersehbarer roter ERROR - Text, welcher am besten komplett entfernt werden soll.

    1635843373 6180fd2da2a53  Screenshot 21

    3.Die Metadaten für das Auto-Fill sollten irgendwie geändert werden, da wir z.B. die Adressboxen ausgründen des Formates in Unternehmensdetails umbenannt haben. Bei dem Benutzen des Auto-Fills werden jedoch die Adressdaten eingegeben.

    1635843410 6180fd524d0d1  Screenshot 32

    Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus für Ihre Mühe und ich hoffe Sie können mir weiter helfen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Pascal Wagner

  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 07:26


    Unfortunately, our colleagues from the German team are currently unavailable, so we will reply to you in English. If you wish to receive a reply in German, please let us know and we will forward your question to them, however, you might need a bit longer for a reply.

    1. I have removed the Gray background from your emails. Can you please check it and let us know if your emails look ok now?
    2. To remove the errors, you will need to add the following CSS directly to your form:
      .error-div { display: none !important; }
      You can use the following link to see how to add the provided CSS to your form:
    3. Can you please clarify, are you referring to Prefill option? You can update this from the Publish tab from the form builder:
      screenshot 8093 Screenshot 10

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.

  • Carneades
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 07:53

    Thanks for your answer,

    of course english is fine for me as well.

    The points 1. and 2. I fixed with your help but with point 3 I meant the browser automate fill in option:

    1635853843 61812613699bb  Screenshot 10

    Here I just changed the names from existing adress-fields to what I needed (company details).

    As I said I changed it because of the format, because the adress fields looked better than creating a totally new one.

    In this case the meta data needs to be changed somehow, so the browser auto complete is able to fill in the correct info, or at least doesnt fill in the wrong information.

    Thanks for your help again I hope you can also help me with this little problem.


    Pascal Wagner

  • Tommaso_F
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 08:40

    Hey Pascal,

    thank you for your follow-up.

    Could you please give us more details about your concern so we can assist you properly?

    Even if you have browser autocomplete, do you still find auto-filled fields?

  • Carneades
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 09:16

    Of course,

    so we currently have browser autocomplete enabled and it works fine if a drag and drop the for example name fields oder adress fields from the left side into the formular.

    But i changed the titles of one adress field so the costumers see the old "adress field" now as company details, where they fill in the name of the company and their position in the company.

    Now we have the problem that the company information field originally was a adress field, and because of the not changing meta data browser autocomplete fills in adress details automatically. But we want it to fill in the information about the company of our costumers.

    If he change of the meta data which tells the software whats need to be filled in cant be changed afterwards we could like to disable the autocomplete for only the fields of:

    1635858830 6181398e8dbbd  Screenshot 10

    Thanks again and im looking forward for your answer.


    Pascal Wagner

  • Tommaso_F
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 10:33

    Hello there,

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to deactivate the autocomplete on one element, we can only remove it on the whole form.


  • Carneades
    Geantwortet am 2. November 2021 um 11:36

    Okay, thanks for the information.

    Then I know what to do if out managing director doesnt want the browser to autofill false informations.

    Have a nice day :)