Single product selection in PayPal Checkout

  • Sabine_Brenner
    Gefragt am 31. Oktober 2021 um 05:31

    Where/how can I configure a single product selection?

    I.e. the customer may only select one product!


  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Geantwortet am 31. Oktober 2021 um 07:11

    Greetings Rainer.

    To achieve this, you first need to open payment settings:

    screenshot 8067 Screenshot 10

    From here, expand Additional Gateway Options and disable Users Can Select Multiple Products:

    screenshot 8068 Screenshot 21

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.

  • Sabine_Brenner
    Geantwortet am 31. Oktober 2021 um 07:36

    Thx Bojan for your quick reply. I got it.