Workflow mit PayPal Business

  • Sabine_Brenner
    Gefragt am 28. Oktober 2021 um 12:23

    Habe leider keine Info`s zu meinem Anliegen auf Jotform gefunden.

    > Beim Checkout wird PayPal in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet.

    Nach Abschluss des Bezahlvorgangs, wird der Kunde wieder auf das Formular zurückgeleitet, um die Bestellung mit dem Buttom "Absenden" abzuschließen?

    Jotform Thread 3465748 Screenshot
  • Niko_N
    Geantwortet am 29. Oktober 2021 um 16:13


    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Could you please provide the additional information on exactly which PayPal integration you would like to use?

    For instance, in the case of PayPal checkout, there's a direct option to enable the feature to Replace the form submit Button with PayPal checkout buttons, so once the payment is made, the form will be automatically submitted:

    1635538142 617c54de98368 Screenshot 2021 Screenshot 10

    As for the PayPal business integration, if the users choose the credit card option they can submit the form and payment using the submit button, however, if they choose to submit the form with the PayPal option, the form will be automatically submitted once the user makes the payment.

    Note that you can always switch the PayPal integration to the Test mode and make a test payment to clearly see the exact user experience for the payment process. Guide:

    You can compare existing PayPal products and their features by following this page below:

    Thank you!

  • Sabine_Brenner
    Geantwortet am 30. Oktober 2021 um 10:10

    Hi Niko, got it. Thx.