Wie kann ich im Formular auswählen an wen die Antworten gesendet werden?

  • flohoerning
    Gefragt am 20. August 2021 um 02:03

    Hallo ich möchte gerne im Formular ein Dropdown Menü erstellen, wo ich den Empfänger der Emails einstellen kann. Danke!

  • Yau_C
    Geantwortet am 20. August 2021 um 07:17


    You can add a dropdown element to your form from the side menu on the left.

    1629457987 611f8e43a760f  Screenshot 10

    The recipients of an auto-responder is the form-senders themselves.

    1629457901 611f8dedd459d  Screenshot 21

    Once you have added the recipient field to your form, you could then be able to select it from the recipient tab in your auto-responder settings.

    Here is a demo that I created for you.

    You may clone my form to test it.

    Our German speaking colleague will be available after the weekend.