Translations >> Card forms: Translate total number of questions on Welcome card

  • Rotwild
    Gefragt am 21. Juni 2021 um 10:15


    es fehlen deutsche einige Übersetzungen im Kartenlayout

    In der Umfrage

    Navigationsleiste unten

    "X of XX"

    Karte Willkommen

    "Hi there, please fill out and submit this form."

    "XX Questions"

    Navigation sämtlicher Karten



    Im Editor

    "Type a description"

    Außerdem sämtliche Feldbezeichnungen im Design Editor "Font Families", "title Color" usw.

    Wäre klasse wenn zumindest die Übersetzungen, die Umfrageteilnehmer sehen zeitnah nachgereicht werden würden.

    Besten Dank!

  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Geantwortet am 21. Juni 2021 um 13:56


    You can translate the Welcome page from the form builder:

    screenshot 6037 Screenshot 10

    Once you open it, you can modify the text here:

    screenshot 6038 Screenshot 21

    Unfortunately, a number of questions can't be translated at this point, just removed.

    To translate the Next and Previous buttons, you can simply modify the text you wish to be shown:

    screenshot 6039 Screenshot 32

    To translate the navigation at the bottom, you need to open form settings, and modify warnings:

    screenshot 6040 Screenshot 43

    You will find the progress text at the bottom of the page:

    screenshot 6041 Screenshot 54

    You can manually translate other form text from here. Make sure you save the changes after you are done with translations.

    I will forward to our Developers the feature to translate the total number of questions on the welcome card.

    Form Builder is being translated every day, so other features should be translated soon.

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.

  • Rotwild
    Geantwortet am 21. Juni 2021 um 14:00