Does Jotform handle complex price calculations?

  • Sebastian Gabriel
    Gefragt am 11. März 2021 um 05:17


    I have discovered your wonderful tool and would like to offer a calculation service for our products (print industry) with it.

    Is it possible to integrate a complex price calculator into your forms? 

    An example of such a calculator, as we need it, is here:

    But I don't want to have to use two tools side by side, so it would be great if JotForms could also do these interdependent calculations!

    Please write me if something like this is possible with JotForms, that would be perfect!

    Thanks a lot!

    Best regards,


  • Anita_K
    Geantwortet am 11. März 2021 um 09:07

    Hi Sebastian,

    thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, you can perform complex calculations with Jotform using our Form Calculation Widget.

    I would suggest that you check out this guide first:

    Afterwards, you can even pass the calculation to the payment field to collect the appropriate payment.

    Please give it a go and let us know if you need further help.