How to enable users to upload a video through form

  • Kollar_GmbH
    Gefragt am 16. August 2024 um 05:03

    Guten Tag.

    Ich möchte gerne, dass Kunden über das Formular auch Videos hochladen können.

    Ist das möglich?

    Bitte um Rückmeldung


    LG Christian

  • Lara Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 16. August 2024 um 07:23

    Hi Kollar_GmbH,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Our German Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in German, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again. 

    Now, coming back to your question, you can achieve this by adding a File Upload element to your form. This will enable your form users to attach files when they fill out the form. Let me show you how to add it:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder and click on the Add Form Elements menu on the left side of the screen.
    2. Under the Basic tab, scroll down to the Field Upload element and add it to your form. That’s it.

    1644224408 6200df988da52 screencast 2022 Screenshot 10Currently, the file upload element supports video uploads in MPG, FLV, and AVI formats. We also have a guide about How to Create File Upload Forms that you might find helpful.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.