All stories / Data Interactive

Data Interactive delivers holistic solutions and huge savings

Discover how Data Interactive uses white labeling and a multi-tenanted server from Jotform Enterprise to create custom solutions for organizations and government agencies in Australia.

Data Interactive

Partnering with Jotform Enterprise to provide a complete data-collection and automation solution



Cost savings to customers

Up to AUD$80,000

Processes automated


Data Interactive

Data Interactive


IT & Technology

Organization Size:


Use Cases:

Fully white-labeled business process automation solution for digitization, integration, and complex workflows


Data Interactive’s automation services enable organizations to create digital forms, workflows, and documents. It helps clients save time and reduce costs, risk, errors, and manual workarounds while increasing productivity, employee engagement, accuracy, and overall efficiency.


Data Interactive’s clients, ranging from government agencies and nonprofits to large companies, come to them for a better way to manage data and administrative tasks.  


By partnering with Jotform Enterprise, Data Interactive replaces inefficient, manual processes with comprehensive solutions that help organizations digitize, automate, and integrate workflows, from the simple to the complex.


Data Interactive has achieved incredible results for its clients, including thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours saved.

Jotform Enterprise … can cover a number of organizational needs

Jotform Enterprise provides a toolkit approach from one tool that can cover a number of organizational needs, from data capture to workflow to document generation, automatically creating a PDF through Tables and Apps.

Michael Flanderka

Chief Executive Officer, Data Interactive