Cash App Pay FAQs

All your questions about Cash App Integration — answered. Check out our FAQs for answers to common questions, or contact our support team for further information.

Ask your question

Your questions will be answered by our 24/7 Support Team.

  • What is Cash App, and how does it work?

    Cash App is a financial services platform that allows users to send, save, and invest money from their mobile devices. You can use Cash App to send money to friends and family and receive money from them. You can also take payments from clients and customers.

  • Is Cash App safe?

  • How do you integrate Cash App Pay with Jotform?

  • Do I need to have a paid Jotform account to use Cash App Pay?

  • Can I use Cash App Pay in my country?

  • How do I sell products with Cash App Pay?

  • Will Jotform charge me for using Cash App Pay in my form?

  • What’s the difference between Cash App and Venmo?

  • How do I cancel/refund a payment?