Fill out the form below and submit it to the ECA along with the required documents:
(Note this form is for the restricted purpose of an ECA Licensed Minister to apply for Ordination with the ECA.)
1. Request for Ordination Form accessible below: Along with a required signature acknowledging the applicant’s agreement with the ECA’s Tenets of Faith, Ministerial Ethics, and Disciplinary Procedure.
2. *Submit an Updated Resume* of your ministry career, training, activities, and biblical education. Per the ECA website. This document must include tenure, responsibilities, supervisors, and names of churches and organizations. We are looking to assess four years of cumulative ministry experience (8,320 hours) required for ordination. (A sample resume is available here.)
3. *Statement of Doctrine*: In composing your Statement of Doctrine, we want you to know that the ECA is assessing your doctrinal understanding of the Trinity, salvation, baptism and the inspiration and inerrancy of the Word of God from a perspective of biblical, evangelical, and conservative belief. Therefore, you should know that referencing or quoting source material without citing the source amounts to plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense in academia, but even more so for a minister of the Gospel. To use someone’s material without crediting the source is tantamount to theft, which contradicts God’s command, “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15 KJV). If using sources, do so very sparingly as the ECA wants to know in your words that which best represents what you believe.
a. The Trinity,(What are the distinct responsibilities of each member?)
b. Salvation, (How does salvation take place, and what must a person do to be saved?)
c. Baptism (What role does baptism play in our salvation, and what formula would you use in baptism?)
d. The Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Word of God, (Describe the verbal, plenary inspiration and why inerrancy is so important to the church.)
e. Please supply some of the important scripture references you hold to each point in your Statement of Doctrine. You only need to cite a reference and not necessarily quote it.
NOTE: (A warning regarding plagiarism and a link for a sample of a Statement of Doctrine is available here.)
4. Any additional "Official Educational Transcripts" of Biblical Studies: (These must be sent to us directly from the institution.) Sealed student transcripts will not be accepted. Evangelical Church Alliance Revised 02/16/2016. (If the school provides transcripts electronically, have them sent to
6. Arrange to have your supervisor complete the Referral for Ordination Form which can be accessed by clicking here. This document must be sent directly to the ECA from the supervisor.
5. *A passport-quality, color photo*
*All Support documents must be attached to the application. Documents can be attached at the end of the application unless otherwise noted.