STEO is requesting that those parents who choose to opt out of transportation complete the following form.
Some parents may choose to drive or walk their children to school in the fall, rather than have them ride the school purpose vehicle.
This form is intended to notify STEO that your student(s), although eligible for transportation, should not be placed on a school bus. This Opt-Out option is for the school year commencing September 2024.
If you are eligible for transportation and NOT planning on using STEO provided transportation for all or part of the 2024-2025 school year, please fill in the information below.
Please Note: This form is for transportation purposes only and is NOT a Confirmation of Attendance form. If Parent(s) / Guardian(s) decide to opt-in at a later date, please email or call 1-855-925-0022
If you wish to opt back into transportation, please note it may take 3-4 business days for transportation to begin.