Coaching Skill
For each of the 15 statements below, pick the answer that best describes you From: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. Answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
1. My team members can trust me.
2. I make sure that my coachee understands where he or she is in the coaching process.
3. It’s important to get to know my coachee beyond the main subject of the coaching.
4. During coaching, it's important to maintain the hierarchical structure that exists in the workplace.
5. I start with open-ended questions before focusing on specifics.
6. I outline goals clearly and regularly during coaching.
7. It's important to consider my coachee's performance and skills at work, not his emotional state.
8. I like to ask permission before coaching.
9. I always say what I feel.
10. It's more important to ask questions than to listen to answers.
11. Coaching sessions are free and unstructured.
12. I like to ensure that coaching activities take place only within our sessions.
13. I summarize and repeat what my coachee says during a coaching session.
14. I do not share any personal details, as coaching should be strictly professional.
15. I put plenty of focus on internal and external motivation factors.
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