I declare that the information provided is true and accurate. By furnishing the names of the referees, I agree for SOS to contact them for reference checks and have obtained their agreement to be contacted by SOS. I will furnish a copy of my NRIC if I am accepted as a Member and understand that the membership is for a period of up to 5 years. I have read, understood and shall abide by the Constitution and the Members Handbook, which may be amended from time to time.
I consent that my personal data collected may be used or disclosed to government authorities and SOS may contact me for purposes related to SOS. I shall also treat all SOS information as confidential (including pictures and information of clients and other volunteers, staff or events, etc.) and will not collect, use or disclose them without the permission of SOS while I am a Member or after I have ceased to be a Member. I shall delete any SOS confidential information upon ceasing to be a member.