Crown Worthy Digital Consultation Form
Welcome to Crown Worthy with Sophia. I can’t wait to meet you soon. If I have any questions, I will be in touch within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment.
What is your full name?
First Name
Last Name
What is your email address?
Please note, I will be reaching out by email to confirm your appointment
Phone Number
Please note, I will respond by text to confirm your appointment
How did you hear about us?
Please Select
Google My Business
Google Search
Other (Please specify...)
What is the name of the client who referred you to my business?
What is your budget for this requested appointment?
Hair services start at $130 and up, and consultations start at $125.
When is the last time you had your hair cut or trimmed professionally?
Less than 4 weeks ago
1-2 months ago
2-4 months ago
4-6 months ago
6 months+
Do you currently have extensions installed in your hair? Please note extensions and braids have to be removed before hair services and consultations.
Scalp Specific Questions
How would you describe your hair density?
Very thin/actively thinning
Are you experiencing hair loss?
Does not apply.
Where is the hair loss located?
Front or temples of the scalp.
Crown of the scalp.
Back of the head.
Does not apply.
Do you have dandruff?
What are you goals with your hair?
I'd like my hair to be as long as possible.
I'd like to retain length.
I'd like to reduce dandruff and itchy scalp.
I'm looking to find out how to get my hair and scalp healthier for optimal hair growth.
My hair is thin and increasing density is a primary concern.
What days/times are you available? I will make every effort to get you in as soon as possible in line with the information you enter here. The more available you are, the faster I will be able to get you in.
Weekdays 10am-4pm
Weeknights 4pm-5pm
Weekends 7am-12pm
Weekends 12pm-3pm
I will make anything work, I just need to get in ASAP
Is there anything else we should know before booking your appointment?
Please upload 2-3 photos of the affected area. Take the photos to the best of your ability.
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Download your appointment check list. There is a gift inside for you.
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