Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium State Network of Educators (SNE) Interest Form
Idaho is a member of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The Consortium is made up of 14 member states that are committed to providing tools and resources that support teaching and learning. The Digital Library is a collection of educational resources that enhance the capacity of educators to inform their instruction through student-centered lessons and a feedback processes. Resources found within the Digital Library are developed by educators who understand the importance of lessons which are aligned to standards, activities that engage students, and tools that adhere to the formative assessment process. The Idaho Department of Education is seeking teachers and other educators to participate in our state network of educators to create, design, and share lessons that will be included in the Digital Library. As a member of the State Network of Educators (SNE), you will also be asked to promote the Digital Library resources as a tool to prepare Idaho’s children for college and/or career. Completing this form indicates your interest in becoming a part of the Idaho’s SNE.
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Day-time Contact Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Personal Contact Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Identify the educational region you currently work within?
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Select your district or charter
Please Select
Aberdeen - 58
Alturas International School - 495
American Falls Joint - 381
American Heritage Charter - 482
Another Choice Virtual - 476
Anser Charter School - 492
Arbon Elementary School - 383
Avery - 394
Basin - 72
Bear Lake County - 33
Bingham Academy - 485
Blackfoot - 55
Blackfoot Community Charter School - 477
Blaine County - 61
Bliss Joint - 234
Boise - 1
Bonneville Joint - 93
Boundary County - 101
Bruneau-Grand View Joint - 365
Buhl Joint - 412
Butte County Joint - 111
Caldwell - 132
Camas County - 121
Cambridge Joint - 432
Cascade - 422
Cassia County - 151
Castleford Joint - 417
Challis Joint - 181
Chief Tahgee Charter - 483
Clark County - 161
Coeur D'Alene - 271
Coeur D'Alene Charter School - 491
Coeur D'Alene Tribal School - 535
Compass Charter School - 455
Conner Academy - 460
COSSA - 555
Cottonwood - 242
Council - 13
Culdesac Joint - 342
Dietrich - 314
Elevate Academy - 523
Emmett - 221
Falcon Ridge Charter - 456
Fern-Waters Public Charter School - 531
Filer - 413
Firth - 59
Forge International School - 528
Forrest M. Bird Charter - 487
Fremont County Joint - 215
Fruitland - 373
Future Public School - 499
Garden Valley - 71
Gem Prep: Online School - 534
Gem Prep: Meridian - 498
Gem Prep: Nampa - 796
Gem Prep: Pocatello - 496
Genesee Joint - 282
Glenns Ferry Joint - 192
Gooding Joint - 231
Grace - 148
Hagerman - 233
Hansen - 415
Hayden Canyon Charter School - 508
Heritage Academy - 479
Heritage Community Charter School - 481
Highland Joint - 305
Homedale Joint - 370
Horseshoe Bend - 73
Idaho Arts Charter - 795
Idaho College & Career Charter - 489
Idaho Connects Online School (ICON) - 469
Idaho Department Juvenile Corrections - 709
Idaho Digital Learning Academy - 771
Idaho Falls - 91
Idaho School for Deaf & Blind - 596
Idaho Science & Technology Charter School - 468
Idaho Virtual Academy - 452
INSPIRE Connections Academy - 457
iSucceed Virtual High School - 466
Jefferson - 251
Jerome - 261
Kamiah Joint - 304
Kellogg Joint - 391
Kendrick Joint - 283
Kimberly - 414
Kootenai Bridge Academy - 470
Kootenai Joint - 274
KTEC - Kootenai Technology Education - 641
Kuna Joint - 3
Lake Pend Oreille - 84
Lakeland Joint - 272
Lapwai - 341
Legacy Charter - 478
Lewiston - 340
Liberty Charter - 458
Mackay - 182
Madison - 321
Marsh Valley Joint - 21
Marsing Joint - 363
McCall-Donnelly Joint - 421
McKenna Charter - 453
Meadows Valley - 11
Melba Joint - 136
Meridian Medical Arts Charter School - 785
Meridian Technical Charter School - 768
Middleton - 134
Midvale - 433
Minidoka County Joint - 331
Monticello Montessori Charter School - 474
Moscow - 281
Moscow Charter School - 813
Mountain Home - 193
Mountain View - 244
Mullan - 392
Murtaugh Joint - 418
Nampa - 131
New Plymouth - 372
Nezperce Joint - 302
North Gem - 149
North Star Charter School - 493
North Stem Charter School - 480
North Valley Academy - 465
Notus - 135
Oneida County - 351
Orofino Joint - 171
Palouse Prairie School - 472
Parma - 137
Pathways In Education-Nampa - 497
Payette Joint - 371
Payette River Technical Academy - 794
Peace Valley Charter - 511
Pleasant Valley Elementary - 364
Plummer-Worley Joint - 44
Pocatello - 25
Pocatello Community Charter School - 494
Post Falls - 273
Potlatch - 285
Prairie Elementary School - 191
Preston - 201
Project Impact STEM Academy - 513
Richfield - 316
Ririe - 252
Rockland - 382
Rolling Hills Charter - 454
Sage International School of Boise - 475
Salmon - 291
Salmon River Joint - 243
SEI-TEC - 751
Shelley Joint - 60
Sho-Ban Jr./Sr. High School - 537
Shoshone Joint - 312
Snake River - 52
Soda Springs Joint - 150
South Lemhi - 292
St. Maries Joint - 41
Sugar-Salem Joint - 322
Swan Valley - 92
Syringa Mountain School - 488
Taylor's Crossing Charter School - 461
Teton County - 401
The Village Charter School - 473
Thomas Jefferson Charter School - 559
Three Creek Joint - 416
Treasure Valley Classical Academy - 532
Troy - 287
Twin Falls - 411
Upper Carmen Charter School - 486
Valley - 262
Vallivue - 139
Victory Charter School - 451
Vision Charter School - 463
Wallace - 393
Weiser - 431
Wendell - 232
West Ada - 2
West Bonner County - 83
West Jefferson - 253
West Side Joint - 202
White Pine Charter School - 464
Whitepine - 288
Wilder - 133
Xavier Charter School - 462
If "other" was selected, please type in district or charter name
What grade levels do you currently teach or have previously taught that you would feel confident at creating instructional resources for? (Check all that apply)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
What content/specialty area do you hold expertise in? (Select all that apply)
English Language Arts
Social Studies
English Language Development
Special Education
How many years of teaching experience do you have?
0 - 1
2 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
More than 10
Do you currently have a Digital Library account?
Yes. I currently have an account.
No. I currently do not have an account.
No. I do not currently have an account, but I have had one in the past.
Please tell us about any other asset(s) you believe would be of value to the State Network of Educators team.
Should be Empty: