Any effective task management solution should be intuitive. It should be as simple (or as complex) as needed, and it should offer the ability to collaborate with team members whose access and permissions you control.
These characteristics just so happen to be among the things our users like about our newest product: Jotform Boards.
Now that Jotform Boards has launched, however, perhaps the feature most important to users is the ability to capture and resolve every customer request within their task management solution, creating a clean and simple workflow for their team.
Jotform Boards lets process owners, project managers, and teams of all kinds auto-generate tasks from customer requests. All you have to do is link your forms, AI Agents, or workflows to a board to start automatically adding tasks to it. This can help organizations manage their business in a brand-new way.
Whether you’re a solo operator or part of a larger team looking to manage customer request tasks, keep reading to discover ways existing users have leveraged Jotform Boards.
Hopefully this helps spark some ideas and creative uses of your own!
5 ways users leverage Jotform Boards to manage their business
1. Employee onboarding (Driver recruitment)
How this business uses Jotform Boards
This company collects new driver application information using forms, and it streamlined the onboarding process by connecting these forms to a board.
- Details from form submission fields are included in the automatically generated board tasks; they include the applicants’ driver license types.
- The board groups show where an application is in the process at a given time. It shows team members what the next step is at a glance and what’s still required to reach the final stage.
- The company has made handy use of color-coding to sort license types. It has also included additional tags to help with team communication.
Choose from 30+ hiring and onboarding templates
2. Services (Home maintenance)
How this business uses Jotform Boards
This home maintenance company uses a request form to manage permits. It’s linked this form to a board. Tasks from the form are automatically added to the board, where they can easily be managed and assigned to different stakeholders.
- The company assigns a due date and a team member to the task. It also uses tags and color-coding to identify the task type. Especially usefully, it matches attachments from submitted forms to task cards so assignees have access to relevant information directly from the board.
- By customizing and adding task fields (like “inspection technician” and “fail fix technician”), the company matches the board to its particular work categories.
- Finally, when a task progresses to the final group, a label indicates the task is complete.
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3. IT infrastructure (B2B wireless service installation)
How this business uses Jotform Boards
This organization’s IT tasks are added to a board when a customer submits a wireless order request form.
- The tasks are assigned to team members (Boards even lets you assign multiple team members to a single task, as you can see here), and the task progress is noted in task card comments so everyone stays on the same page.
- The color-coded tags for each task are synced to the form and indicate the type of order request coming in, making it simple for the assignee to know what’s required.
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Did you know?
You can customize your board’s background? Choose from a selection of background colors, or upload an image. It’s a small way to feel more comfortable in your workspace.
4. Travel (trip booking or changes)
How this business uses Jotform Boards
This case highlights a solopreneur using Jotform Boards to improve personal productivity and better organize their internal business process.
- They’ve connected a booking form and a change request form with their board. When these forms are submitted, tasks are automatically added to the board, with information about the customer and their request.
- Tasks are sorted in straightforward groups — in progress, waiting for the agent, waiting for the customer, and complete.
- The board gives the user a central visual repository to view and organize all their outstanding requests and check them off when complete.
Choose from over 30 hospitality and events templates
5. Business operations (Factory safety reports)
How this business uses Jotform Boards
The board for this operations team has multiple stakeholders and assignees. It’s linked to safety report forms, which require image submissions. When a task is added to the relevant board group, its associated image is included in the card view of the task.
- The team makes good use of the comments feature within a task card to provide updates, keeping things on track and communication in one place.
- Being able to connect multiple forms to a single board is of great value to users. Here, the user has connected two forms to a board, which lets them field requests made to different departments from a single location, resulting in more efficient task handling.
Choose from over 200 operations-related templates
Users are enjoying Jotform Boards because of its simplicity and its connection with the forms they use to collect customer requests. Automatically adding tasks to a board from form submissions saves users time, whether they’re fielding travel requests, maintenance needs, or permit applications.
Boards are simple to set up with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, and tasks can easily be filtered, tagged, and sorted. This flexibility lets your organization customize Jotform Boards to meet your organization’s specific task and request management needs.
Processing customer requests just became more organized and collaborative. Try out Jotform Boards and let us know what you think!
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