How a rescue uses Jotform to find new homes for dogs

How a rescue uses Jotform to find new homes for dogs

Approximately 3.2 million pets are adopted each year in the U.S. They don’t just land on doorsteps, though. All around the country, animal rescues and shelters are on a mission to help save pets and place them in loving homes.

Amanda Lee, founder of Underdog Animal Rescue, is one of the people who shares that mission. She started her rescue in 2014 because she wanted to save dogs that needed extra help: those with behavioral and medical issues, as well as older dogs.

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Underdog is a nonprofit that partners with local shelters and a network of volunteer foster parents to match dogs with permanent homes in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. 

Managing applications with Jotform

Critical to any animal rescue is a network of dedicated foster parents to house pets while the organization finds them permanent homes. But building up this network of foster parents is no easy task.

Not just anyone is qualified to foster. Allergies, a household with children, long work hours, lack of outdoor space, and frequent travel can all be factors that prevent someone from providing a solid foster home for adoptable pets.

What’s the best way to gather and sift through all of this information from interested foster parents? A detailed online foster application form.

Underdog Animal Rescue includes a foster application form on their website, where it’s easy for potential foster parents to find it. The form asks applicants a long list of qualifying questions that help Amanda determine their fit. The form also includes a signature field and terms and conditions so that potential foster parents fully acknowledge what they’re applying to do and the responsibility that comes with it.

Screening for permanent adopters is just as rigorous and important.

Amanda’s adoption application form includes an exhaustive list of questions pertaining to the the adopter’s preference in dogs, suitability of the household, any potential reasons the dog would be returned, and any issues with a dog that would be a dealbreaker.

For Amanda, getting the details up front saves a lot of potential headaches down the road. She can match adopters with the perfect dogs for them if she has all of the information she needs ahead of time. 

With Jotform, Amanda was able to do a few things that she couldn’t with Google Forms.

Jotform Mobile Forms makes it possible for her to pull up her form on the go. So when she’s at an adoption event and meets someone who’s interested in adopting a pet, she can whip out her phone and let them fill out the form right then and there.

She also uses Jotform PDF Editor to generate a document with all of the application information on it that she can share with colleagues, send to applicants, and keep for her own records.

Running an animal rescue takes a special breed of person. Amanda manages Underdog Animal Rescue as a passion project in addition to her full-time job. But her efforts have resulted in 300 dogs per year finding homes.

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Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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