ADVICE Facebook Messenger Marketing 101: How to get started with chatbots by Larry Kim September 04, 2019
BACKSTAGE Land your first 1,000 users: how to get early-stage traction for your startup by Aytekin Tank March 26, 2018
BACKSTAGE How we doubled payment form conversion rates with our new design by Jotform Editorial Team March 20, 2018
BACKSTAGE What it's like to spend 326 days on a massive product release for 3.2M users by Elif Ceren Dik March 09, 2018
CUSTOMER SERVICE Your brand is not what you think it is. How to measure customer happiness & other confusing metrics by Aytekin Tank January 02, 2018
BACKSTAGE The future of marketing is in the past. These are your customers: talk at them or talk with them? by Aytekin Tank December 14, 2017
BACKSTAGE Button colors won’t save your business. And your growth hacker might be your worst enemy. by Aytekin Tank December 11, 2017