Square payment limits update

Square payment limits update

Payment limits are a thing of the past when you integrate Jotform with Square. Instead, you’re only limited by the submission limits that accompany any Jotform plan.

Translation: You can now accept up to 100 payments per month for FREE with JotForm. And if you’re on a paid plan, your payment limits now equal your submission limits.

Square has been one of Jotform’s fastest-growing integrations, and for good reason.

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Customer stories

Sara Fabel’s tattoo clients fly to her from all over the world, and she books up fast.

But to secure your spot on her calendar, you need to pay a deposit in advance. Jotform and Square allow her to painlessly send a deposit form so that her clients can pay their tattoo deposit ahead of time — giving both parties peace of mind.

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Dr. Cynthia Brattesani is a San Francisco dentist who appreciates cutting-edge technology. So when she was tasked with finding a way to get patients to pay faster, she landed on Jotform and Square.

When a patient needs to pay their bill, they just find the payment form on her website and whip out their credit cards. No more mailed checks required.

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Jotform and Square both share a mission to empower small businesses and nonprofits. With our integration, more organizations quickly collect the money they depend on, while giving customers a hassle-free way to make payments.

Does your business use Square? Have you tried accepting online Square payments? Let us know in the comments below!

Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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