Snack break webinar: See Jotform’s Fiverr widget in action

Snack break webinar: See Jotform’s Fiverr widget in action

You’ve just built the perfect form. Or it’s almost perfect, but it would be so much better if your business had a fun and flashy logo you could add. Working with a graphic designer is a big commitment of both money and time for a small business, though, and you’re just getting started.

That’s where Jotform’s new Fiverr Logo Maker widget comes in. Fiverr is a freelance marketplace that makes graphic design accessible to everyone. With the Fiverr widget embedded into your form, you can create a logo, download it, and add it to your forms in a matter of minutes.

In 10-minute webinar we discuss

  • Additional use cases and information about Fiverr
  • How and where to find the widget
  • An overview of how to use Fiverr to design and embed your logo

Watch it here! 

Youtube Embed Poster: ya1UvLnizdI
Morgan is the webinar manager at Jotform. She is passionate about helping people do their best work and has spent many years crafting sessions that educate users on how to make the most of a product. Outside of Jotform she tries to explore as much of the world as possible, makes lots of cakes, and goes wine tasting whenever she can. You can reach Morgan through her contact form.

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